Chapter 3

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I move the cup from my mouth and there's a big semi circle of red. I freak out a little, the desire to pull out my camera getting the best of me.

My lips are still very red, its kind of daunting. I flip my hair over my shoulder and sigh, tangling my fingers in my lap again. Izaac sets his hand on my shoulder.

"Aquila, you realize you're supposed to get out of the car right?"

I roll my eyes at him and open the door. Few people are in the parking lot right now, not enough that should make me nervous yet that doesn't stop me.

I step onto the ground, and flinch at the sound until I remember. I step out and find Izaac trying to hide his laugh, including turning away, but waiting for me to walk over to him.

Both days we have first period together and this makes the beginning of our day nearly the same and I'm grateful as it's the part of the day I really didn't want to change.

He opens the door and ushers me in, and I almost trip which has now officially become normal to me.

"I've got to go to my locker, and talk to a teacher before class so I'll see you in there." I nod and walk off to my own locker. Being alone with the change being terrifyingly different from being with him.

Izaac usually gets to school early, so not that many people are here. So the panic dies down with a couple deep breaths. I try to remember this as a good thing.

Eventually it gets closer to class and people start to populate the halls. I check my watch, flip my hair, smile into my small mirror and turn around, I guess routine is hard to beat.

Right on time like always Felix turns the corner. When he gets closer he turns his head to wave at me, but instead stops in his tracks. My heart picks up. His hand freezes in the air and he slowly starts to drop his fingers, curling them slightly into a ball. He eventually finds a way to lower his hands, but he never moves his gaze from me. I smirk, my heartbeat becoming a more prominent issue I take a breath. I turn back to my locker, mostly to hide the fact that I definitely need more than one.

I hear footsteps behind me, and a smile stretches over my face. When he taps me on the shoulder I suddenly feel fine. I turn around quickly, to find us inches apart.

"Can I escort you to class beautiful?"

I feel my cheeks redden, I bet they're as red as my shirt. I almost jump up and down screaming yes, but I'm trying not to be that girl anymore.

"If that's what you want. Then I suppose it could be okay."

He smirks at me and reaches over my shoulder to close my locker for me, not working out how I expect he wanted it to. I laugh and turn around to fix the lock. I turn back and he's looking at his shoes.

"It doesn't really work like the movies, does it?" I giggle and link our arms slyly. It's suddenly become so easy to walk.

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