Chapter Twenty-Five: Defense Against the Dark Arts

Start from the beginning

Upon closer examination, Cordelia saw that the small flame had a distinct form. A female one, that was actually dancing in his palm.

The flame even waved at her. Cordelia found herself waving back, just as Cal closed his palm, effectively stifling the flame.

Cordelia looked up at Cal, "That's amazing." She told him earnestly.

"You haven't seen even half of what I can do." Cal smirked, "Just a word of advice, don't piss off the pyrokinetic." He told her with a wink.

Cordelia saw Kol roll his eyes out of the corner of her eye, and when she turned to face him, he too had an extended palm. But instead of flames, electricity crackled in his palm.

Cordelia chuckled, "No. Way."

As she marveled and admired the small ball of blue electricity in his palm, she could've sworn she saw Kol smile.

"So today I thought we could work on your telekinesis." Cal continued, causing Kol to clench his fist and Cordelia to look up.

"But-I want to find out what my power is." Cordelia protested.

Sure moving things with her mind was cool, but she wanted to see what else she could do, i.e., fly, armwrestle Dwayne Johnson and win, travel to 1970 and stop The Beatles from breaking up.

Kol sighed, "Your power will come to you when it's time. You can't force it or rush it to happen,." He explained to her like she was a child.

"So for now, I want you to try to knock over that first can." He added.

Cordelia begrudgingly raised her hand and squinted her eyes, trying hard to focus on the can and knocking it over. After about a minute of Cordelia squinting at the can and embarassing herself, the can still had not budged a hair.

That's when Cal decided to save her fron her misery, "Having a little trouble?"

"Shut up." Cordelia muttered, "I'm trying but it's not working." She justified lamely.

"Okay well how did you do it last time?"

"I just happened. When Kyle attacked me I was hurt, and angry and upset and it just happened. When I pushed Nina into the pool I was mad at her. When I made the-" Cordelia almost said 'When I made everything on the hospital room levitate,' but if she told them that she'd have to tell them she'd saved her mother's life and she wasn't in the mood for that conversation.

Cal nodded, and didn't pry. "So strong emotions are your trigger. When you're in danger, when you're hurt."

"So far I've only used it when I was feeling ugly emotions so yeah. Wait are you going to start insulting me?" She frowned. "Because that wouldn't be cool."

"No..." Cal trailed off, clearly deep in thought trying to come up with an alternative. "But I could tell you some things that might piss you off." He said reluctantly.

'What kind of things?' Cordelia wondered. She'd know soon enough, so she nodded, and refocused on the can.

"Okay um...i've been watching your house since the night they found the dead body." He admitted.

"What?!" Cordelia yelled. But as she yelled and turned to look at Cal, she missed the can fly off of the crate.

A sheepish Cal just nodded towards where the can had once been, and when Cordelia looked she let out a squeal of delight.

"Okay first of all; that's creepy, second of all; do it again." She demanded, unable to stay mad at him.

"I uh...I hid the truth about who you were from you!"

That wasn't anything new, but it was a reminder, and it was enough to make the second can, hurtle even farther then the first.

Cal grinned, "Okay for the last one, I want you to try to summon the can into your hand."

Cordelia nodded eagerly and before Cal had to spout out something equally enraging, the can flew right into Cordelia's outstretched hand.

She gasped, and examined the can, "Holy crap I did it."

"You must have been happy and excited enough." Kol remarked.

Cal took a step towards her first, but Cordelia closed the gap between them and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank-you." She whispered.

Cal was clearly taken off guard, because it took him a beat before he wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her hair.

"For what? For pissing you off? Any time." He teased before adding, "That was all you Cord."

A/N: Another fast update! Yay! What did you guys think of the chapter? Let me know!

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Have a lovely day,


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