chapter 6 ⚔ Keep Your Enemies Closer

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Roy left the knife that Jill had given him in the alley wall. He was now watching people get out of a car.

Jill/Sapphire appeared behind him, disguising her voice. "You should be more careful." Roy jumped. "You're completely exposed."

"I knew you were there," Roy told her unconvincingly. "What, you wanted me to tell you when the funny money guys were ready to make a sale? Here we go."

"Not 'we'," Jill told him. "Go home."

Jill walked inside.


An exchange was going on inside between a group of males.

"Here's the fake," Man 1 told them, showing them a briefcase. "Let's see the real."

Man 2 showed them a bag of money.

Jill threw an explosive onto the bag of money, making it catch on fire. She threw a knife into Man 2's leg, making him fall to his knees. She came up from behind Man 3, hitting him in the back of the legs with the unbladed edge of her sword, making him fall to the ground. She threw a knife into Man 4's hand, pinning him to a crate.

Man 5 made a run for it outside. Roy ran toward him, tackling him to the ground by the car, punching him in the face.

Inside, Jill kicked Man 6 in the back, making him fall, turning to Man 1. 

"You got two right above you," John told her. Jill turned to throw two knives into the legs of Man 7 and 8 on the balcony above, making them fall. "Now there's just six."

Man 9 tried to punch Jill. Jill ducked, kicking him in the leg. Man 9 tried to punch her. Jill ducked, spinning to backhand punch him in the face hard enough to make him fall unconscious. Man 10 ran closer, trying to punch Jill. Jill ducked, backhand punching him in the face, kicking him in the chest, making him fall. Man 11 ran closer, trying to punch her. Jill raised her arm to block the move, punching him in the face twice, spinning to kick him in the head, making him fall. Man 12 used a plank to hit Jill in the back. Jill turned to face him, kicking him in the chest, making him back away. Man 12 tried to hit her with the plank. Jill ducked, catching the edge of the plank, pushing it back to hit Man 12 in the face, making him fall, using the plank to hit Man 13 in the head, making him fall unconscious, turning around to throw the plank into the head of Man 1, making him fall unconscious.

Police were outside, arresting Man 5 and Roy.

Jill heard the sirens, running out, dashing away into the night before she could be caught.


Later that night, Oliver and Jill were in the basement of Verdant with Felicity, wearing normal clothes, watching the news on the computers about a particular accelerator turning on in Central City further down the road.

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