Chapter 1

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The light from the sun is bright through the curtains giving me the sign that I slept in to long. I pull the cover over my head to hide all the light existing in my small room.

  Buzz buzz buzz. 

"Ugh" I say throwing my cover off my body and onto the floor, "why do you have to find jobs today?" Looking into the mirror talking to myself. Yeah I think I'm crazy.

I grab my outfit I picked out the day before and walk into the long hallway to my bathroom. "Uh I hate these-" tripping over my feet and falling down the rest of the stairs. "I'm dead, I'm-I'm dead I have to be. I- nope still alive."  I think while checking my pulse, luckily no harm done to me but it is a great way to start my day, I already have to go to many job interviews.

I start to take off my bra and underwear, thats the great part of living home alone you could wear anything or even nothing. The water is a nice temperature, just the way I like it not to hot, not to cold. The water runs down my back and down my thighs giving me goosebumps a little.

After my shower I put on my navy blue pencil skirt and my white blouse. Gathering my freshly dyed blonde hair into the nicest, neat, bun I could make. I'm surprised no one has noticed that I'm not a natural blonde,

On my agenda today, I only have to go to three interviews in hopes I get at least one. "Okay I got my keys, purse,and phone, which is telling me I'm late" I scream and run out the door.

First stop,  the coffee shop down the street. As I need coffee.

Something simple, nothing to extreme, I did of course go to college and all that in literature  but I feel like I might take a break. They have an opening stop so I'm hoping I could get it because I'm dreading the other two.

"Hello, welcome to  Marley's coffee shop." A young man greets me with a smile and goes back to what he was doing. "Yes I'm looking for a job interview, I have the flyer right here." I say digging into my purse to pull it out. "Ah yes I'll go get John, he's the manager, and I'll be right back." Zack says then leaves, that's what his name tag says and name tags don't lie.

After a few minutes have passed John the manager comes out from the back. "Hello, hello. I'm John and I heard you need my assistance?" "Yes I say the flyer and wanted to apply for a job." I hand him the flyer and stand there awkwardly.

"Okay follow me to fill out an application."


"Okay good we'll give you can call when we decide. Have a good day ma'am. "  "You too," leaving the small shop my stomach growls, I haven't had breakfast yet and they aren't serving it anymore, I get a cappuccino and walk over to my next stop

Book store, like I said I'm dreading this one and the last one. I did go to college for literature but I'm terrible with organization, so why the hell not.

It's not to far from the coffee shop, a good walking distance, not when you're in heels but hey I'm a rebel... and dork.  Let's just walk down to the book store already.


The bell rings when I enter the air conditioned building. No one greets me with  words when I enter just a smile. "Hi I'm looking for April Summers?" I say to the girl at the desk while looking at the badly ripped paper, covered in coffee stains and holes. "That would be me," an older woman says from behind me, coming from the book shelves. "What do you need?"

She's a sweet old lady I would say, she's wearing a shirt which reads "boys? More like books!" It's a cute shirt I won't lie.

She has a skirt to the length of her knees exactly. Her hair is pinned back into a low bun barely showing her streaks of white hairs, less then half compared to her light brown hair.

"I was wondering if you still have a job opening,if so I would like to apply for it." She comes closer to me and looks me in the eye and smiles, "I'm sorry but I just gave the last opening yesterday.  I'm sorry dear." She says as she stands in front of me. "No, it's fine thank you." We exchange hand shakes and I leave the store.

Last stop, Arkham Asylum. My friend Georgie suggested it as a joke. She didn't think I could do it or would do it so I accept her challenge, to prove her wrong. This one I'm mega dreading. I'm going to have to take the bus for this one, it's completely across the town.

I wait for the bus and contemplate my life decisions. The bus gets here minutes later and I sit in the closest seat in the front.  I wait an hour before leaving the bus at my stop. I then proceed to contemplate my life while I walk up the hill dirt road. The sun is now setting making the sky a beautiful yellow and orange color. The building is big and slightly scaring, I've always wanted to help others and fix them but this is some next level shit here.  I was a counselor for a year to get a little more cash but a therapist for the crazy is something completely different.

I knock once and automatically a man comes out taller then me maybe 5'9 even? "We don't expect visitors."  He says once he looks me into the eyes. "I'm um I'm-I'm here to a-apply." I'm extremely nervous and scared. "Right this way." He leads me into the big building and tells me to sit in a velvet red chair.


"Well then, sounds like you're highly qualified for this job. But let me tell you this we are with really deadly people therefore any incidents that occurred to you it is not our responsibility."  I nod and look around the dark room.

It has dark red walls matching the chairs, picture frames of famous people I've never heard or seen of. The desk is a dark shade of wood I'm thinking maybe Spruce. He then proceeds to tell me all the health codes and plans for the place.

"We'll get with you tomorrow. You're brave you know, applying for a dangerous job. I'm not going to change your mind but you're a beautiful young lady therefore could get hurt, think about it miss Quinzel." He tells me before I walk out of the building to the bus stop.

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