Chapter 10

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Day has passed and I'm falling for Mistah J more and more. "Pumpkin, I need you now." I just love it when Puddin calls me pet names. "Comin Puddin." I say looking around the bed room that mistah J got me. Having black walls and a dark blood red blanket, and one giant mirror facing me, full length, while i finish applying my face paint and pulling all my blonde hair into the hat attached to my jester outfit.

Once completely done I hop down the stairs catching my feet on the last one, fall into his arms. "Woah watch out pumpkin, don't want you to get your outfit dirty." He pulls me up and I stand to my feet "I wouldn't want that Puddin, that would be terrible."

He walks over to the kitchen counter and grabs a glass  to fill it with water. "I need you to do something and it rest in your hands to do it." "Anythin for my Puddin." Walking over to him also grabbing a glass for myself.

"I need you,"

he puts his glass and turns to me, only inches from my face. I close my eyes and almost lean into a kiss but he puts his figure over my mouth. My cheeks burns from embarrassment, "no, not now. I need you to go to Bruce Wayne's dinner party."

Confusion is placed on my face as I'm confused by what he means. "He would know, wouldn't he? And I'm not on the list." I question while my eye stare into his. "Yeah he would, but Harleen Quinzel is on the list, my dear."

I turn my head to the thought of that name being said out his mouth. I don't want to be the pathetic Harleen Quinzel I once was. I feel free and I love it to much to change for a dinner party.

"Just for the night pumpkin. I just need to get inside without being noticed." He rubs my cheeks and I stare into his eyes, his green pierce through my blue eyes. I nod and he walks away then coming back with a dress and heels. "You'll need this," handing me my clothes and leaving the house all together, telling me that he has 'business to do'

I stare at myself once I remove my white face paint. A young pale girl stares right back at me mocking my past. "Welcome back." I say to myself after getting my dress and heels on, and putting my hair into a high bun leaving my bangs out to put behind my ear, it looks nicer to me.

It's 7:00 pm once I leave the house to hail a taxi and to the Waynes, I texted Mr J I was there any quickly replied with "I'll be there don't worry. Sweet talk Bruce." I roll my eyes to the text and then give a smirk. A few moments has passed and I found him, finally. "Mr. Wayne nice to meetcha." I cough and clear my throat, to change my voice alittle.

"Hello miss Quinzel, I'm glad you're here." He shakes my hand and gives me a kind smile, I do the same. Hours have passed and I've been trying to flirt with him all night. Some of it worked but other times it  didn't.  I even tried the 'can you show me around?' trick and it worked, for awhile.

I've never flirted with anyone before, well attentional.

"And I want to th-" a loud crash came from the back and it cuts off Mr. Bruce Wayne in the middle of his speech. A smirk is placed on my face as I get up to 'go to the bathroom' and walk into the back room, up the stairs to the roof. I giggle as I run to meet Mistah J

"Puddin!"  I yell.

Taking off my heels and taking down my bum, letting my long hair flow in the night sky. But another explosion occurs making me fall to my knees scraping them to reveal blood. Batman appears and knocks out Mistah J and walks to me, I just start crying my eyes are not even caring about my makeup.

"Come with me." He tries to grab my arm but I pull away pulling a gun on him. He stands there with no emotion. "Miss Quinzel put that down."  He tries to grab it but I back away.

"I'm not Harleen Quinzel. I'm Harley Quinn. Queen of clowns."

(A/n I'm sorry for the cliff hanger, like low-key I am but I'm not at the same time :) )

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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