Chapter 2

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Seth Hartmann came home late once again, dragging his feet in the door after too long of a stay at the university.

He was hardly in the door before Brian came up to him, Mudkip doll in tow. It was practically his conjoined twin at this point, going with him wherever he went. "Daddy! Hi!"

"Hello Bran," he said, giving his son's head a light pat to try to appease him.

"Dinner's ready!" yelled Kate from the kitchen.

"I'll have some later, I have a little bit more paperwork to do."

"Your paperwork can wait, come eat with the rest of us," she scolded.

He couldn't argue with that; he knew that the papers could be done later. He would have preferred to get them done and over with, but he didn't want to make his wife mad, so he gave in.

Minutes later the family of three were sitting around a stout wooden table, spaghetti on their plates ready to be consumed. Brian sat in his high chair, all bibbed up in preparation for the crazy messes that spaghetti night brings in the Hartmann household. Mudkip sat loyally with him in his chair, but was put in a plastic bag for its safety.

The family ate mostly peacefully, though a few marinara sauce platters made their place around the table and on Brian.

"Hey Bran, why don't you tell your father what you did today?"

The boy's eyes lit up with excitement. "Friend!"

"He made a friend?" asked Seth. "Good for him."

"Yes, it was quite the sight! We were out at the grocery store and another little boy came running over. He instantly started talking with Bran about some game that apparently that doll is based off of. I don't think I've ever seen Bran try to talk to so much! When his mother caught up to him, she was just as delighted as I was to see them hitting it off so well. Do you remember the boy's name Bran?"

He shook his head "no," and a scowl formed on his brow because he felt unnerved that he couldn't remember it.

"His name was Thomas. He apparently doesn't have any friends either. Poor boy gets picked on for being black in a mostly white community and for stuttering. It was just such a great encounter you know?"


"Glad you think so, because Thomas is coming over next week."

Seth about choked on his food. He didn't like the idea of another five year old running amok in their house that they struggle to keep clean. "Is that so? How long will he be staying?"

"Well his mother and I were talking and we were thinking we'd try a sleepover! This'll be the first sleepover for both of them, so I'm sure they're super excited."

Brian threw his hands up in the air and squealed while wearing a huge smile. He dropped his fork on the floor, and a bit of red sauce managed to stain the carpet a few inches away.

"Oh honey, you've got to be more careful!" Kate got up from her chair and went to go clean up the mess.

Seth looked at his son's face, all bright and energetic. What made Bran so happy? Would he ever again be as happy as his son was now? The child never seemed to frown, no matter how bad his circumstances. How he could do this confused the professor, but surely Brian's glee rubbed of a little on him, as he couldn't help smiling at the tomato wrought disaster scene.


Several days later, he came home as usual to find Brian immediately at his heels. However, a new toy was in the boy's hands. "Whatcha' got there Bran?"

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