Chapter 2- A Surprise Present From My Bestfriend

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(Luna's POV)

I wake up to the sound of 'Ich Tu Dir Weh' blasting from my alarm; I groan and tried to reach for my phone but failed when I felt it fall on the floor. 

I groaned even more annoyed and sat up to retrieve my phone. 

When I turned it off, I buried my face in my pillows again, embracing the warmness. 

I was heading back to sleep when my phone started being a dick again, ugh I hate my phone sometimes. 

I sat up and grabbed it, seeing a text from my bestfriend Maisie, I opened it and it read.

"Hey my huggy monster; I've got some awesome news that I need to tell and show you so I need to come round" I laughed warmly knowing that the news must be something to do with shipping Till and Paul of Rammstein. 

I texted her and confirmed that she could come round and so I got out of my warm bed and went into my en suite to splash my face with soap and water. 

I soon proceed to my closet and picked out of my black skinnies and Rammstein shirt and hoodie for the day. 

I put on some fluffy black socks and put my hair in a bun. 

I grabbed my phone from my side draw and went downstairs to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. 

As I made my coffee, I saw a note on the fridge from my mom, I opened it and it read.

"Hey sweetie, I won't be home tonight because of work, some money in the money box for food, love you" I sighed at the note and went to the couch in my living room. 

My mom worked a lot; in fact I hardly ever see her sometimes, I guess this is how I've become so lonely and depressed because I don't have much love in my life. 

I have my two bestfriends Maisie and Kai but I never like to burden them with my problems because I love them. 

I was trapped in my thoughts when I suddenly heard a knock on my door, I smiled knowing it was Maisie and ran to the door.

"MAISIE" I squealed answering the door "FLAME MY MONSTER" She screamed and tackled me in a bear hug. 

By the way Flame is my nickname that only Maisie and Kai call me, pretty unique I would say. 

"I've missed you so much my huggy monster" Maisie smiled pulling away "I've missed you more" I smiled back. 

I closed my front door and we both went into the living room, sitting on the couch.

"Okay, I have two types of news, firstly yes I am still shipping Paul and Till" she smiled "I knew you would be" I giggled rolling my eyes.

"But my second news is this" she pulled an envelope out of her bag and handed it me.

"What is it" I asked curious "let's just say, you'll love me forever" she smiled "you know I'm gonna love you forever anyway so I don't see how this will have any effect" I said.

"Just fucking open it" she rolled her eyes giggling. 

I did as I was told and opened the envelop and smiled in shock at what I saw. 

Inside the envelop were two small rectangular sized pieces of cardboard and I couldn't believe what was printed on them.

" have...Rammstein tickets" I asked on the brink of tears.

"I sure did Flame and VIP ones too" she smiled "holy shit, I love you so much Maisie Smith" I attacked her in a bear hug.

"Let's just say, its an early Birthday present" she smiled I smiled at her and hugged her again. 

"Holy shit we can meet Rammstein at their after party and when is the show" I asked "tonight" she smiled.

"Tonight, fuck, we need to get ready so we can be at the front" I smiled and ran upstairs to my room. 

Maisie followed me and we proceed in finding the outfits we would wear tonight. 

Tonight is gonna be awesome, I finally get to see Rammstein and I finally get to meet Richard Z Kruspe.

A/N first chapter is off, let me know what you think because I seriously have no idea where this is gonna go and also the photo is Maisie.

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