I need to run to my locker before he gets too close. I felt bad for leaving Shin Dong alone but then again he has Nari so he's fine. I ran towards my locker. I'm not sure if Heechul was following me but someone was.

"WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?!" I turned around and I realized I just screamed at the principle. Oops...

"Young man! Do you know who you are talking to?! Yelling at your principle like that! My word child!" He turned around and walked away.

This is just fantastic. I yelled at Principle Park Jung Su. This year is going great already. I opened my locker and a piece of paper was taped to the inside of the locker
My schedule.
Block 1 - Calculus
Block 2 - Gym
Block 3 - English
Block 4 - World History
Block 5 - Science
I hope I have a class with some of my friends. I walked into my first class. As the obedient teen I am, I sat in the front. I took my supplies out and sat waiting.

"Okay is everyone here?" Said Teacher Kim Jaejoong

"Ye" the whole class answered

The door slammed open. Oh my gosh he was gorgeous. His brown hair that goes to his neck and is short in the front, how his hair also covered his eye. His button up shirt. The first 2 buttons weren't buttoned which made him look kinda sexy. His skinny jeans, man that guy can really pass off skinny jeans. As he walked pass my desk I saw how good his butt looked. Omo, why is this happening?

"Sorry I'm late sir! Lee Donghae."

"Of course... There's always that one student who's late. Go sit over there next to..." Teacher Kim Jaejoong pointed at the empty seat next to mine. Did he want me to say my name?

"Lee Hyukjae sir"

"Ah is that so? Well you guys can be friends now since you have the same last name. Sit sit I need to get started with the class introduction"

As Donghae sat down I noticed how pretty his eyes are. His beautiful brown eyes... He stuck his hand out towards me

"Lee Donghae. And you are?"

I shook his hand.

"Lee Hyukjae. But everyone calls me Eunhyuk"

"Where did Eunhyuk come from?"

"Eh people just started to call me that for some reason"

"Oh, well then we should be friends! I'm new to the area. Can you probably show me around after school?"

Gasp. He wants me to show him around? What is this feeling? This is weird.

"Yeah! Sure! Of course! When do you want me to show you around?"

"Well I was thinking after school but you probably are busy since it seems like this teachers gives out homework on the first day so tomorrow maybe?"


I couldn't help but giggle. I turned and looked at Donghae and he was smiling too, probably about to laugh also.

"Okay can someone answer this?" Said Teacher Kim.

I would usually be the first person to answer but for some reason I was stumped. All I could think of was Donghae. Even though I literally met just met the guy, I feel like I might just have feelings for this kid. Probably not, maybe I just think I like him because he's hot...

By the end of class I went to my locker to get my other supplies for English. It's surprising that I have all of my supplies on the first day of school. I gathered my binder and notebook. When I turned around and looked at the person next to me I realized something.

My First Love (Super Junior - Eunhae)Where stories live. Discover now