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        They didn't talk, and Caleb was fine with that, they were comforted by the silence and succumbed to whatever music they were listening to. Caleb didn't want to talk anyways, and thank god she didn't tried to.

He was no longer alone at the place he considers home, and for the first time, — he was actually kind of fine with it. He looked at her, sitting on the wooden floor, head pressed against the bottom shelf, he noticed that she was reading now as dribs of sunlight passing through the window shines down upon her dark hair.

He discovered that her hair is brown when it's highlighted  by sun rays and her skin has the same color of the sunlight — She was beautiful. But not the beautiful that everyone will agree upon.

Beauty that depends on the eye of the beholder, and god knows in the eyes of Caleb. He waved his black hair as he closes his eyes and rested his head to his palms.

The silence went on for hours, people entering looked at her and she didn't give a fuck, and she didn't move an inch, she pretended that she had her own world, like she found a new Earth and kept it as secret.

She left before the sunlight was out without saying any word. She just looked at Caleb, and smile, then proceed to head out while tucking her hands to her pocket.

Caleb went home at the time Josh goes back with a new girl wrapped around his arms. Caleb gave him a disgusting look, as Josh winked and ran upstairs in reply. That was his end of the shift cue.

And at the time he got to his house, he wished he was back there, with that girl, looking at him. Because this four corners made him want to die, when he entered, her mom was still sitting there writing her third book, and her sister was still blasting distasteful satan music.

He just wanted to be alone again, I'm home, he wanted to shout, but then he realizes no one cares and no one knew he left. He ran to his room and locked himself inside it. He put on his earphones and played Asleep by The Smiths, and turned it on to its loudest volume.

There was a knock on his door, loud enough that he can hear it, "There's food on the table Cal, Erich took most of the meat," It was his mom, he ignored it, and he felt bad for it, but really, he just wanted to be left alone.

This went on for days, Caleb will be late and still has no idea how to kill himself (except for electrocution), and weird girl will arrive and sit on her spot, they will have no conversation or whatsoever, she will leave at the Reblé before sunlight is out, and when Caleb goes back to his house, he wished he was back at Reblé sharing oxygen and silence with her.

He couldn't think of anything other than that black-haired girl and he didn't understand why, but every time Caleb closes his eyes, he sees her, sitting on the wooden floor, while sunlight shining down at her.

God, It made him insane,.

He always looked forward of seeing her, and it made him cling to the edge of living. Because somehow - for unknown reasons - she was worth living for.


Caleb's father went home just exactly Caleb was about to leave. He heard the truck parking to the driveway and it made him somehow feel excited and nauseous.

Probably because

A. He now has a new alarm clock.

B. A normal human being is here, it was his father for god's sakes, he was the only person who can actually understand Caleb.

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