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"Don't cover your face!" Brad said it like I had just committed a crime, all I did was cover my face while I was laughing (okay, maybe I was blushing aswell.)

"Okay..." I said lowering my hands from my face cautiously.

"Wow." Brad said smiling at me or more so his screen, I never would have believed a few months ago that I would have been dming my idol, never mind face timing! This was a amazing moment in history for me... And to be honest, I think I could mark it as one of the best days ever.

Brad clearing his throat, brought us both into reality. "So, wanna meet the boys?" He spoke with that grin slapped upon his gorgeous face.

Wait, did he just say-

"Yes! Oh my gosh!" I said after realising I wasn't actually speaking because I was to busy comprehending what he had just previously asked me.

"Tris! Connor! James!" Brad shouted behind him and not to long later, they all came rushing in.

"This best be important, I was smashing Connor in cod." James spoke but the tone in his voice was no where near threatening as he was supporting his words with a chuckle.

"Guys, this is Anna." Brad said, visibly I could see his adam's apple bob up and down, was he nervous? There was no

"Ay! Anna, how you doing?" Tris' face made its way to the camera ( a/n or maybe just his jaw 😍 ) and he smiled at me with his dazzling smile.

"Hi Tris, I'm good." I spoke nervously, I could not actually get over what was happening right now, I was on face time to the bloody vamps for gods sake.

"Okay, I think we need to let the girl breath, she looks like she's about to poop out a rhino." Connor spoke making my eyes widen. Ew, what the hell?

The next thing I knew though, my nerves had taken over and I just began to laugh hysterically at Connors words, all there faces held amusement as they watched me.

I'm making a fool of myself, how great.

When I had finally finished my laughing fit, I looked up to camera and we all held a moment of silence before all the boys began laughing at me.

What the hell is going on!

After that was cleared up, me and the boys spoke for what seemed like hours; tour, hobbies, favourite foods. All kinds.
But, something inside of me, just really wanted to speak to Brad by himself.

Selfish, I know.


I answer all your comments now guys, so just keep leaving them because they do help me update I promise!

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