Chapter 6

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"Find her and make sure she will fall for you."


I was walking downstairs when I saw Baekhyun putting on his jacket. I quickly jumped off the last stairs and ran towards him.
"Can I come with you?" I asked him shyly. He looked up at me and nodded simply. I smiled widely and quickly took my coat from the caotrack.

We left the castle and I honestly didn't know where he wanted to go. I just didn't want to stay at the castle and maybe I can get closer to him by spending more time with him.

We walked through a path when I heard some shuffling from behind a bush. I turned around as I was really curious about what it could be. I smiled when a little cute rabbit hopped towards me. But something was strange, it had a long tail. I never saw a rabbit with a long tail on Earth. I approached it and kneeled down to pet it.

Baekhyun on the other hand didn't feel my presence behind him so he stopped walking and turned around to look at me. He shook his head as he saw me petting the rabbit.

"Come on Haru." I heard his low voice. He turned around and walked further. I waved to the rabbit as a farewell and ran to Baekhyun to catch him up. When I walked back next to him I looked at his side profile and it gave me a warm feeling. I looked back in front of me, trying not to think how soft his skin seemed a few seconds ago.

We walked and walked and then I saw a shrub with berries. The berries were blue and had a sheen making them even more delicious.

"Berries!" I beamed happily and walked up to it. I stretched my arm out, ready to pluck one but Baekhyun was faster than me and stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"Why?" I pouted. I wanted so badly a berry.

"These are toxic." he pointed at them and instantly loosed the grip on my hand.

"really?" I looked up at him and stepped away from them.

"Yes, let's go now." he said and took my hand gently in his, giving my hand a tingling sensation. What I didn't know was that Baekhyun felt the same. When we walked further he let go of my hand which made it fall limp against my side. A long silent took its place between us.

Every time I talked or asked him something to break the silence, he ignored me or acted like he didn't hear it. I pouted every time he did so. The worst is that he didn't gave me a glance when I talked!

We walked almost 2 hours and I felt tired, my legs were hurting badly. All I wanted to do was sir down and rest. Because of that I walked slower, making a distance between him and me. Baekhyun noticed it and turned around to look at me. He sighed and approached me as he looked down at me. I stared at him confusedly when he stood in front of me with his back facing me.

"Jump on." he simply said.


"I'll gave u a piggyback." his words made me so happy. I smiled lightly and got on his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he rested his arms under my legs.


Haru was on my back and she was't heavy so it was a good thing for me. After a moment she was really silent which impressed me. She is the talkative type or am I wrong? I took a glance at her and she was asleep on my back. Her head was resting on my shoulder giving me a good view of her closed eyes and pink lips. I smiled at her cuteness and walked faster than I did so I could reach my castle within the minute.

Once I entered the castle, I headed to her bedroom. She was fully asleep and didn't notice anything at all. I was in front of her bedroom and the door was open, maids were cleaning her room as stood by the door. The vacuum made a lot of noises together with the maids voices. Haru can't sleep in a noisy bedroom so I turned around and brought her to my bedroom instead.

I gently placed her down on my bed and closed the curtain so she could sleep without sunshine interrupting her. I tucked her into my blankets and made sure she was comfortable and warm.


I woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom. I looked around and noticed a piano in the corner of the room, there was a large closet and a desk. I then realised that I slept in Baekhyun's bedroom. The last thing I remembered, was he gaving me a piggyback. I pulled my brows together as i must have fallen asleep on his back. I then smiled at the though lf him taking care of me. He's a cold guy but he sometimes can be sweet.

I left his bedroom and walked through the corridors. I was busy looking through the wide windows and paintings on the wall that I didn't notice someone walking up to me. I turned my head around and bumped hard into the person's stone hard chest.

I rubbed my sore nose as i looked up and saw a handsome boy i never saw before, he had a sharp nose, black hair, wide shoulders, he was tall and didn't smile. He looked cold, just like Baekhyun. His gaze made me scared of him already.

"I'm sorry." I bowed deeply and walked away like a scared mouse. The boy just stared at me running away from him. I didn't dare to turn around as I didn't want to face his gaze anymore.

I walked downstairs and saw 5 boys chatting with Baekhyun. They were all handsome and they smiled widely when they saw me coming downstairs, except Baekhyun. I slowly walked up to them and bowed 90 degree.

"You're back, Sehun." I turned around and it was the boy I bumped in earlier. I got scared, not of him but his stare. So his name is Sehun?

"Guys, this is Haru." Baekhyun introduced me to them and I bowed again. They just smiled widely.

"We asked Sehun to check on you because you slept 4 hours straight." A super tall boy said, he had flappy ears and was cute.

"Yehet!" I heard someone shout behind me. We turned around and saw Sehun lightly smiling which made us laugh.

"Are you guys also princes?" I asked them curiously. They also were wearing chic clothes and had guards waiting for them at the door.

"Yes, I'm Suho, prince of the kingdom Atlantis. My power is water. I'm the cause of the waves in the sea. My kingdom consists of water and ocean. I'm aslo the cause of rain in the Autumn and other seasons." he explained and smiled sweetly at me.

"I'm Kyungsoo, the angel and prince of the planet Earth. I protect people from danger and has the power of a beast." he said and smiled too. Although his voice was deep, he looked cute, just like a little pinguin.

"Hello~ I'm Kai prince of the kingdom Krystal. I can teleportate myself and my kingdom is full diamonds and light colors. I cause the snow in the winter." he explained shortly.

"Hi my name is Chanyeol. I'm the prince of the kingdom Firenia. My power is fire and warmth. I'm the cause of the sun and summer. My kingdom is full lava and dragons. There is thunder and lightning whenever I'm angry." he explained and gave me a smile which exposed his white teeth.

"Hello my name is Lay, I'm the prince of the kingdom Shangxi. I take care of people's wounds and help them recover when they're sick. I can communicate with unicorns. My kingdom is full unicorns and fairies. I'm the cause of the plants and blossoms in the Spring." he smiled cutely, reveiling his dimples.

"I'm Sehun prince of the kingdom Meliana. My power is wind. When I'm mad there will be storm. I'm the cause of the wind and the breezes." he said shortly and I smiled at all of them. I didn't know they had so many responsibilities.

"Now can you please let us alone." Baekhyun asked me, rather in an annoying voice. I nodded and turned around. The boys pouted at Baekhyun's words as they watched me walking away.

I slowly went upstairs and planned to open my bedroom's door when suddenly someone appeared in front of me which scared the hell out of me. It was Kai, he smiled and wrapped his arms around me. The next thing was me, still in Kai's arms, in the room where the others were. I stared at them confusedly.

"I want Haru to stay with us." Chanyeol told Baekhyun and smiled at me. I smiled shyly and looked at my feet.

"Alright." Baekhyun sighed. My smile faded away when I knew that he didn't want me here with the other boys. I was bothering him.

To be continued...

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