In Which Her Mom Is Crazy and SA

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"What?" Annie squealed excitedly.

"Shh," Megan hissed. "Keep your voice down." When she had made the decision to tell her best friend about kissing the Slytherin, she'd expected revulsion and disgust, not excitement. Her nerves weren't prepared for that.

"Well," Annie pressed. It had been a whole five minutes, and she still couldn't believe that her friend had kissed the arrogant git. Megan groaned and hid her face in her arms. "At least tell me what happened," Annie pleaded. Megan sighed. She couldn't deny her friend that. When she'd finished her explanation, Annie gasped, but grinned widely.

"What?" Megan asked wearily. She was through with this whole thing. Now she was wishing that it had never even happened.

"What was it like?" Annie begged. Megan furrowed her brow.

"I kissed his cheek, Annie."

"So? It's still a kiss."

"It doesn't count."

"Does too."

"Does not."

"Does too."

"Forget it. I'm going to go shower. Megan dashed to the bathroom and slammed the door, glad to be rid of her friend's questions. Sometimes she wondered why she put up with it.

At breakfast, Annie didn't question her about Draco at all, and Megan was thankful, although she wondered if it was just because there were other people about.

"Are you going home for Christmas?" Annie asked. Megan nodded.

"Hannah and I are going on Saturday. How about you?"

"My parents are taking Zacharias and I to the seaside for the holiday. It's bound to be simply thrilling." Megan noticed the sarcasm that laced her friend's tone and smiled to herself. After breakfast, they left for their last day of classes before school let out for the Holidays. By the end of the day, they had enough homework to last them until Easter. At least, that's what Ron said, and Annie agreed with his wholeheartedly. Megan and Hermione just rolled their eyes.


On Saturday morning, Megan was checking her trunk to make sure that she'd packed everything that she'd need until December 31st. She was in no hurry, as she and Hannah were taking the train that left at three, instead of the one that left at ten.

At breakfast, she noticed Draco amongst his friends, laughing at something that a pretty redhead had said to his sister. Jealousy surged through her before she remembered that she wouldn't see him for two weeks anyway, and that she needed to get over it.

All too soon, three o'clock had rolled around, and it was time for her to leave. Megan and Annie boarded the train and quickly found an empty compartment. Zacharias and Hannah soon joined them, much to Annie's dismay. The train slowly pulled away from Hogsmeade station.

"It feels so weird," Hannah sighed, leaning back against the cushy blue seat.

"What does?" Annie asked. Megan's arms were folded tightly against her chest, and she was looking anywhere but at her sister.

"Leaving," Hannah elaborated. "In just a few hours, we'll be home for two weeks. No Hogwarts, no common room, no-" she broke off, exchanging looks with Zacharias and giggling. Megan dug her nails into her palms, wanting to throw something at her sister. A glance at Annie told her that her best friend felt the same way. They both knew that their siblings were baiting them, and both refused to play along. Finally, Hannah let out an irritated sigh, and turned to have a private conversation with Zacharias. Annie and Megan exchanged amused glances, and started a game of Exploding Snap that lasted for the majority of the train ride.

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