Chapter 1

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Beca jumped onto her bed as soon as she entered her dorm.
"You didn't even do anything." Chloe laughed as she followed Beca, closing her dorm door and sitting down on the floor.
"For your information, I've been working all day." Beca sat up and raised an eyebrow at Chloe.
"Oh really? You've been skipping class all day? Yeah, that's tiring." The red head raised an eyebrow at Beca and giggled.
The brunette rolled her eyes at Chloe before her phone began ringing.
"Blonde bitch." Beca read out the caller ID before answering.

"Hi, Beca. I just wanted to say that your attitude today during rehearsals was unacceptable and quite irritating." The blonde spoke sternly down the phone.
"Hi, Posen. What attitude? I don't see an issue with my attitude." She said, in a high voice.
"Also you know that no sexual relations between us and the trebles is not tolerated." Aubrey let a frustrated sigh, completely ignoring what Beca had said.
"Do me a favour and get off my ass you're beginning to piss me off." Beca growled.
"Drop the attitude Mitchell." Aubrey warned.

Chloe watched in amusement as the younger girl got up off the bed.
"What are you going to do about it? There's nothing you can do. You need me more than I need you. I'm not going anywhere." She paced around her kitchen, paying no attention to the red head on the floor.
There was silence for a moment, Aubrey knew that Beca was right. The Bellas needed her. And there was something else stopping her from suspending Beca. "Fine. Consider this a warning." Aubrey sighed and hung up.

"Blonde bitch." Beca cursed throwing her phone onto her bed.
Chloe shook her head and got up off the floor.
"Oh, yeah I forgot. You two are up each other's ass." Beca scoffed.
"That 'blonde bitch' has been my friend since we were kids." Chloe crossed her arms and stared at Beca.

Beca sighed and walked past Chloe ignoring her.
Chloe turned around and raised an eyebrow at the brunette.
"Unbelievable." She sighed and grabbed her bag.
"Call me when you're done being an eight year old." The red head said frustrated before walking out the door.

Beca watched Chloe shut the door. She bit at her bottom lip before jumping from her bed and running to the door, opening it up.
"Chloe wait." She called after Chloe.
"Are you done being an eight year old?" Chloe called back, turning around.

*End of Flashback*

"Beca for serious what is wrong with you?" Aubrey snapped.
"Wh-what?" Beca said quietly, looking past Aubrey who was standing in front of her.
Beca could smell the fresh vanilla smell that emitted from the blonde.
"I said your name like four times." She raised an eyebrow, staring down at the girl.
Beca only just realised that she was now staring into Aubreys eyes.
The blonde stood waiting for a response from the brunette but got none.

"Unbelievable." She scoffed and walked off, leaving Beca standing alone in the gym.
Yeah she needed to sort herself out. After the argument with her and Chloe, the shorter girl was definitely not in Aubrey's good book.
She sighed and finally snapped out of whatever happened and walked over to her bag.

"Why did I ever agree to do this?" Beca whispered to herself as she checked everything was in her bag.
"Because you can sing." A voice came from behind Beca causing the younger girl to jump and scream a little. Beca wasn't much of a screamer.
"Shit!" She cursed, putting her hand to her chest.
"Don't do that!" She huffed turning around to see Chloe.

"Sorry." She giggled.
"What do you want?" Beca sighed and turned back around, picking up her bag.
"Do you want to come for coffee?" The red head asked.
"Thanks for the offer but I've got better things to do. Better than sitting in a booth listening to the aca nazi blab about my attitude." Beca coughed.

Chloe bit at her bottom lip, stopping herself from defending Aubrey.
"No, Aubrey isn't coming. I'm not inviting her." Chloe spoke up.
"That's weird. She normally follows you everywhere." Beca grinned.
"Beca..." Chloe pushed.
"Look Red, I don't want to go get coffee with you." She growled and headed for the door.

Yeah, she wasn't the one who made friends. And definitely not the one who crushed on girls.

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