Home room

978 15 9

Percy POV

After the threat that Annabeth made to Courtney I was not going to leave Annabeth's side (unless I really have to like she wants to use the bathroom or something, I'm not a perv (at first I spelt it with an e and it auto corrected to Perce)) So here I am, in homeroom playing with Annabeth's hair while the teacher droned on about the school expectations. BORING!

I just wish that I can go home and spend the rest of my life with Annabeth. That's right. I want to marry Annabeth.

Demi-Gods don't normally live that long (this summer being an example of how young some can die at) and I want a fulfilled life before the inevability of death either by the hand of a monster or something else.

Right now I'm supposed to be listening to the talk (that I've heard too many times to count) but instead I'm playing with Annabeth's perfect golden curls. Every now and then I would catch Courtney sneak a glance and hiss in Annabeth's direction and then a creepy look and an eye lid spasm my way that I think is supposed to be a flirty look and a wink.


Today is the best day ever! I have my wise girl in all of my classes except for Marine Bio (she has architecture) and her locker is right next to mine! Everything was going well until I heard an all too familiar squeal from behind me.

"Percy!" The wicked witch of the East called.

"What do you want Courtney?" I asked with as much anger and annoyance as I could muster in my words.

"For you to leave this Bimbo and be my boyfriend." She said and pushed Annabeth off her seat and sat in it.

"Annabeth!" I called and raced to her side as fast as I could and helped her up. "Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine but she wont be in a minute." She mumbled the last part so only I could hear her.

"Promise me that you will not hurt any mortals weather they are the most annoying people on Earth or not." I said and kissed her forehead.

"I'll try but I'm not promising anything." Annabeth said and I knew it was the best I was going to get so I dropped it.

"Leave me alone Courtney. I never did, never have and never will love you." I spat at her like I have venom in my mouth.

"Enjoy your time with him Anniebelle because it wont last for long." With that Courtney turned on her 10" stilettos and walked off closely followed by her posse.

We sat down and conversations started again slowly but surely and then I remembered.

"Wise Girl?" I asked.

"Yeah Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth asked worried.

"Where are you staying?" I asked hopping it would be at my apartment. Well my moms but I live there as well.

"Your place." She said with a smirk.

"YES!" I shouted which caused a few people to look at us strangely but I brushed them off.

"Happy?" Annabeth asked with sarcasm oozing fro her tone.

"No not really I just felt like screaming yes." I said and sat back down and kissed the love of my life's cheek before the bell rang signalling that we had to go to gym.

Annabeth goes to Goode!❤️Where stories live. Discover now