Time For A Plan

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4l3ks P.O.V (Aka Aleks)

Its been 7 months since I saw that boy go  sleep. Since then ive been put to trkaining for this "virus" thing I don't really understand it but im going with it for now.

Today is the day he is suppose to wake up. I've heard the scientist talk about it. They say the virus is ready for him use. Like hell im going to let that happen. Im tired of being here I want to leave.

I've been planning a way to escape from this olace for the past couple of months. Its so easy I don't know why anybody hasnt done it yet.

Its probably because I cant feel pain anymore. This plan requires me getting shot many times, but now since I am what scientists call "immortal" I cant feel pain.

Today is the day I will escape, I will be taking the boy that I saw that day with I dont why but I think his something special.

I wouldn't love to take everyone who is stuck In this hellhole but some want to stay here because if they get out they have nothing to go to.

I talked to this girl with blond her and her eyes seemed some odd purple colour but I didnt question it. She told me she was better staying here than going oht their where she easily be killed, take away again, or put family in danger.

I wont know what thats like. I was sold like I was nothing.If I were to see my "family" againI don't know what I would do. I would probably rage. But none of that is important right now. I need get my plan under way.

Today is November 11th. Its 12:55pm. Yesterday they told me they were going to take me to extract the virus form within me and wait for the boy to wake up and make me watch as he is suppost to change.

Since ive been here ive learned a few thing. That will become use full later on. Now lets see if I can get  this plan underway.

A/N Hey guys so I was actually able to get a chapter out YAY. Sorry its so short I will make this Sundays chapter is a bit longer than this c:

                      ~Thank For Reading Your Awesome

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