Chapter 13

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--Aria's Pov-- 

It felt good to be back training again. 

I was paired up with Noah and Alec. I don't know why I was paired with them. Oh wait, I do know why.

Ryan and Daniel and Nicholas have joined us in training. Therefore in order for everyone to train, someone needs to be paired up with two. 

I ducked as Noah's foot went over my head. I also braced myself on my hands and kicked backwards and kicked Alec in the chest. He stumbled back and I twisted and twirled my body on my hands and I double kicked Noah in the side. He stumbled as well and I felt my foot be grabbed.

I looked and I saw Alec had my foot in his grasp. He pulled and twisted and I pushed off from my hands and quickly wrapped my other foot around my leg and twisted. He spun with me and I brought myself upward and landed on top of him. He grunted and I spun and swept my foot and sent Noah to the ground as well.

Now, I know what you're thinking. She just got out of the hospital and should be taking it easy. Why is she fighting so well? 

Simple, I was only effected by the dart's liquid.Which was like pressing pause on my strength. And my wounds have healed and I am pretty much to my full strength.

I braced myself as Noah and Alec both jumped to their feet. They circled me, each going a different direction. I was in my ready position and waited for them to make a move. 

Noah went to swipe at my feet with his foot and Alec went and swung his hand as if he were to hit me in the chest. I jumped to my left and dodged both of their attacks. They came at me again and I braced myself. 

I ducked and swung at Noah and he jumped back. I advanced and kicked and he blocked it. I moved to my right and Alec's fist went past me and he ended up punching his brother. Noah stumbled and I spun and kicked him to the round. 

I spun and I grabbed Alec's arm and I pinned it behind him and I kicked his legs out from under him and sent him to the ground as well. I stood and looked down at the huffing and puffing twin brothers.

I was puffing a little and I leaned down and helped both of them up.  

Jason was in his wolf form and he had paired up with Alex. He shifted back to himself and he was sweating.

"Alright. Good job everyone. That's it for this training session." He said.

Everyone who was in their wolf form shifted back and we all went to our vehicles. I was at mine and I saw Lucas walk up to his. 

I walked over to him and he looked up and smiled.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi." He said with a smile.

I stepped towards him and he wrapped his arms around me. Ethan and Chase took this as a cue to stop and go talk to Caleb and Hunter.

I looked up at Lucas and I said "I do believe that I owe you a night out on the town."

He tapped my nose lightly and said "Yes, indeed you do."

"How does tonight sound?" I asked.

He grinned and said "That sounds perfect." 

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. 

"I'll see you then." I said. 

I then turned and walked to my car. I got in and so did Alex. He had crashed his motorcycle recently and therefore Jason assigned him as my "Shadow". 

It was kinda awkward being as he was the one who was with me when my father died. And since he was with me almost 24/7, I was staying at his place. It still frustrated me that I still cannot go back to my home. But until we find out who is trying to kill or capture me and we kill them.

I parked in front of his house and I got out. I grabbed my bag and I followed him inside. I went to the guest room and I sat my bag down and I sat down on my bed. 

--Lucas's Pov--

I couldn't wait for tonight! It was my first date with Aria. 

I was also nervous. 

What if I say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing?

"Don't worry. Mate will love us no matter what!" My inner wolf said.

I sighed. I hope he was right.

I got into my car and I drove to the places I needed to go to make my first date with my mate a good one. 


I parked in front of the house and walked up to the front door. I knocked and Alex answered the door. 

He smiled and said "Hey Lucas." 

"Hey." I said.

"Come on in. Aria's almost ready." He said.

I walked in and I stood by the door and waited. I heard a door open and saw her come into view.

"Whoa." Was all me and Aiden said at the same time.

(Author's Note: This is the outfit Aria is wearing

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(Author's Note: This is the outfit Aria is wearing. Please note her hair is Raven Black and not the color in the pic.)

She looked amazing. She smiled at me and I thought I was going to faint and collapse right there and then.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and walked up to me.

"Hi." She said.

"You. Look.....Beautiful." I said.

She smiled and blushed. 

"You ready?" I asked softly.

She nodded and said "Yes."

"Take care of her dude." Alex said with a smile.

"I will." I said.

We walked out the door and I opened the door to the passenger side. She smiled and slid on in.

I got in and she said "So where are we going to first?"

I smiled and said "You'll just have to wait and see."

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