A Typical Morning - #66

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Last time: Neru confessed to Len.

Rin's PoV

15th of December.

Two days to go until the end of the school term.

I feel a smile spread across my lips at the thought of having two weeks off of school, being able to do whatever I want with my friends.

I suddenly frown.

It's almost Christmas, and I have no idea what to get my friends.

"I'll ask them tomorrow." I shrug, lying down on my bed and drifting off to sleep.


"Do you guys have any plans for the holidays?" Miku asks the next day at school.

"Not yet, no.." Luka replied, shaking her head.

I grin.

"Yeah. The three of us are going to get together and we will all have a sleepover!" I say.

"Yes! Let's do that!" Miku agrees, clapping her hands together in delight and excitement. Luka, on the other hand, doesn't look so sure.

"Is something the matter, Luka?" I frown.

"No." Luka replies, "It's just been such a long time since I've done something like this..."

"Don't worry! It'll be fun!" Miku smiles. Luka looks at her teal haired friend and smiles.

"You're right. Sure, we'll do it." She agrees.

"Thanks guys!" I beam. "Oh, and is there anything you guys are hoping to get for Christmas?"

Miku and Luka hesitate for a moment, as I wait for their responses.

"I'm not too fussed.." Luka admits, shrugging her shoulders.

"Neither am I, to be honest with you." Miku says.

"Oh, okay then." I sigh. Looks like I'll have to figure that out myself.

"I just need to make sure that Iroha has a good day." Luka says. "I don't want to disappoint her."

"And you won't!" I assure her, patting her shoulder. "I'm sure she will be overjoyed with whatever you plan."
Miku nods in agreement to my words.

"I hope so." Luka said.

"Oh, I know so." I grin. "What about you, Miku?"

"Me?" Miku asks, blinking. I nod. "I've not got anything planned.." she says with a sigh.

"Haven't you? You're welcome to come over to my place at some point if you want." I tell her. Miku nods and smiles at my offer.

"What are you and Len going to be up to?" Luka asks me.

"Well, our dads coming back from his business trip..." I begin, but I shut up when I see Luka tense up at the word. "Oh, s-sorry."

"It's fine." Luka says, taking a deep breath. "Carry on."

"Well, I was going to say we might invite the family over, or something along those lines." I finish off.

"That sounds nice." Miku says.

"Yeah, it is quite fun." I say. "My family is spread out across the world - some of my relatives live here in Japan, others live in France, Spain, America, England - it's rather interesting."

"You're lucky you know your family." Miku says with a chuckle. "I've only met my aunties, I don't know - once or twice? And my grandparents passed when I was little." Miku shrugged.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." I tell her.

"Is fine. We weren't particularly close anyway." Miku explains.

I nod silently in response.

"Back to the subject of the sleepover.." I say, changing the subject. "When should we do it?"

"What about next Monday?" Luka suggests.

"That works..." I say, looking at Miku, who is nodding her head eagerly. "Okay then, it's settled. I'll text you both the details nearer the time."

"Okay~!" Miku sings, just as the bell rings.


Sometimes I really hate Literature.

Our teacher has instructed us to write a Christmas related Haiku poem.

I cannot do poems.

Doing a normal, free-verse poem is enough, but making up a sentence with 5 syllables, 7 syllables and then 5 syllables again?! I'm not that creative.

I lean over the desk and peer over Miku's shoulder.

She's has written multiple Haikus in the last ten minutes, where I can't think of one.

I lean in a little closer so that I can read what one of them say.

Wishing you the best
Regardless what you believe
Good tidings and health

Miku looks over to me, her cheeks turning red in embarrassment. I shake my head and give her a thumbs-up, letting her know that I think it's good.

I look down at my blank bit of paper

Bells are ringing out..?
Santa's coming on his slay...?
It is Christmas time...?

I grin to myself as I write down the little poem I came up with, proud that I actually thought of something decent. At least, I think it is...

I decorate the page with little snowmen as silhouettes of Santa on his slay, and not forgetting to add on little Christmas bells.

"Okay class." The teacher says, attracting everyone's attention. "You have had fifteen minutes, and it is almost break time. Please do not forget to write your name on the back of the sheet and put them on a neat pile on my desk." I roll my eyes at the instructions, but do as I am told.

As soon as the class is dismissed, I skip on over to Miku.

"I'm glad that's over with." I admit, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, so am I.." Miku agrees, giggling. Luka walks over to join us.

"Come on, let's go." She says. So the three of us walk down the corridor, laughing and chatting. However, this moment is short-lived.

Miku's PoV

Of course she has to be here to ruin what is a good moment for me.

Why can't I talk with my friends and have fun with them, without having to worry about when she will pop up and decide to stir up trouble for me and the others.

Yep, you've guessed it.

The brown-haired figure lurking in the shadows on the opposite side of the corridors, her hands on her hip and a smirk on her face.

It's Meiko.

Rin: >>>>:(

Miku: Calm down Rin...

Narrator: See you all~ x3

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