Chapter 30. Hitched.

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A tightening feeling starts to grow in my lungs.

She looks at me worriedly and then nodded her head, giving me the permission to go out.

I storm off, pushing bodies in my way, some cursing at me calling me a bitch and some others calling me something in different language.

When i got out, i sigh in relief.

We're having an auction.

And what is the object that every man wants in that room?


I am on sale.


Angelica isn't on sale and it confuses me alot, like that's unfair, don't get me wrong, i love her and she's like my best friend but why? Isn't it weird?

I sigh.

Turns out if your master died, got into jail, some other man gets to buy you to be his slave.

There are so many men in there from different countries, they just came here to buy a slave.

You should be proud by that.

Proud? I lost my respect in this world and i fucking lost my master- who seems the better of them all- and you tell me i should be proud? You can proud my ass.

I sigh out loud and looked at the forest infront of me, it's almost midnight and the auction will get started in a minute or a two but all i just think is to run.

Run deep in this forest, get lost. Maybe eaten by some random animal and get rid of this life.

I will admit Zayn was the only chance for me to survive the whole slave thing, he didn't touch me by force- well he did but you know what i mean- he was gentle.

"You shouldn't be here all alone, miss." A rough but sweet voice came from behind me, pulling me away from my thoughts.


I turn sharply to find a good looking guy with grey hair and very shiny blue eyes.

"None of your business." I spit harshly, not really in the mood to talk with anyone.

Oh please don't be rude.

"So it is true, Annabelle Ray Hudson, nineteen years old, very tall with slim body, long and tall dark brown hair with a cheeky attitude and dirty mouth, oh how i like that." He smirks walking closer.

I frown at him leaning my head to the side, does the whole world know who i am? Great.

"Oh and a virgin." I widen my eyes, who is this bastard?

"Who are you to talk to me like that?! And hey, i don't have a dirty mouth so watch it." I point my forefinger at him, raising both of my brows.

"I am your soon to be master and yes you do have a dirty mouth, might benefit us when things gets hot." He wiggle his eyebrow and i gasp.

Oh god. My subconscious faint.

I snort and shake my head.

Okay Anna, just ignore him.

I turn away and started to walk back to the mansion but a hand grips my wrist harshly preventing me, i almost whimper from the tightness of the grip.

The Violent.《Z.M》Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat