Chapter Two

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Veritey P.O.V

It's mid winter at Tokyo Narita airport,

Freezing cold I'll add...

Amber and I were all bundled up with matching tattered red scarfs, gray sweats, white varsity jackets, and three pairs of socks on our feet while wearing brown knee high boots. Ooo sounds warm, but no it's not we're standing still, hugging each other and freezing our butts off.

We're not carrying much, only a backpack with what ever remains of our lives here. which I may add is nothing.  Moving on, that's what we're doing, moving to a small town in  Arnot forest near the finger lake regions in New York. So yes, one cold place to another. "Woopidoonot excited." I've been told that theres wonderful oxygen and plenty of room to run and exercise in. Thats not what I'm looking for...

Because of past events... Amber and I aren't going on your usual international flight. Instead we are going on a military protected private jet, with a few other people we don't know.

The Tsunami hit a year ago in 2018 it was January 25th, a Thursday. I remember it like it was yesterday. 

It started with a 10.03 earthquake, shook the entire island.  Alarms, bells, noises everywhere, speaker phones, everything, was going off in utter chaos. They were telling us to be calm, of course in Japanese, Which I speak fluently.

The government wasn't calm,  neither was the island. 

Houses, buildings, train stations and schools were all taken down by the earthquake and the Tsunami that followed. The people who survived were at the top of mountains or vastly elevated places.  Luckily my school had decided to take our entire grade to Mt.Fuji, we weren't at the top, but the bottom of Mt.Fuji was a pretty good distance from the ocean, therefore we weren't affected. Physically I mean. Emotionally though, all of us were wrecked.

My home was gone. My school was demolished.  My family, I'll never know if they survived. I wanted to scream and cry, confused and utterly speechless, Amber and I held each other, neither of us speaking, we sat in silence watching the cities below us be washed over into nothingness.

We we're left a top the mountain and stuck with what ever supplies we had, which wasn't much considering the 1000s of people stuck with us. A few days later people flew in with food, water and aided us to comfort. Since we were all desperate for help, we were thankful, but little did we know that these kind people were actually evil. After they treated and rescued us, they flew over us with their bombing planes,  setting up gangs everywhere, taking young women and children, torturing them, hurting them and killing them. They caused even more chaos and torment everywhere they went.  Other countries stayed away, America had been and is still trying to help, but they're options were limited.  Amber and I were victims of the torture, it was only 2 months ago that we were saved. Amber now has to deal with *Ptsd, it was horrible, she has nightmares while she thrashes and screams. She cry's and flinch at every noise. Well I mean who could blame her after what happened?

I was silent. No words. Mute.

I had nothing to say. Everything in my mind was filled with reassuring images and painful memories. Those men and the weapons, afterwards Amber tried to commit suicide. It was bloody and painful to look at, only then, I screamed out of sorrow and love, as loud as I could for the last time.

So here we are, present day boarding an aircraft that will take us to a new world, a new life and basically new everything.


(For those who don't know)
*Ptsd: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder that some people get after seeing or living through a dangerous event. When in danger, it's natural to feel afraid. This fear triggers many split-second changes in the body to prepare to defend against the danger or to avoid it. This "fight-or-flight" response is a healthy reaction meant to protect a person from harm. But in PTSD, this reaction is changed or damaged. People who have PTSD may feel stressed or frightened even when they're no longer in danger.

Heyyyyyyyyyyy so yet this is very dramatic and tragic way to start a story, but I have a lot of emotions and feelings I don't know how to express therefore I write. I thought that writing a story would help me sort them out!!! Thanks for read and I hope you keep reading, comment and like please!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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