Prolog pt 1

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ring ring

Conan opened his phone and picked up the call

Ai: "Kudou-kun can you come over here I need to tell you something..."

Conan: "Can't you tell me now?"

Ai: "its too dangerous to tell you through thw phone..."

Conan: "Fine I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Conan hung up and grabbed his jacket and skateboard. Under 10 minutes he got to Agasa's house. Conan Then knocked on the door. Ai opened the door and let Conan in. She walked towards the lab.

Conan: "So what did you need to tell me?"

Ai: "Kudou-kun I'm sorry..... There is no permanent antidote, I tryed everything I'm so sorry, your never going to be Kudou Shinichi again...."

Conan was shocked he was never going to be shinichi again, what was he going to tell Ran. Conan thought of what he felt about Ran, he realized that buring his time as Conan he only saw her as his big sister.

Conan: "Haibara thank you for trying your hardest, I think I'm gonna tell Ran that she has to move on."

TBC - To Be Continued

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