#13 Start [Izuki x Reader]

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A/N: Sorry for the late update, was rushing my essay, ah a real tough lecturer. But that's done, and I finished this chapter! Thank you for the over 600 reads guys! I really appreciate it! This chapter is requested by @Moody-Cinnamonster  

In this story, (D/B) means dog breed, (C/N) means country's name, and (J/N) means job name. Now enjoy! :)  


Sitting on a bench in a desolated park, you were sobbing your eyes out. There was no one around to witness your breakdown, so you let your feelings out of your chest. You didn't need to pretend to be strong any longer. Why...why did fate have to treat you this way?

The reason for your tears was because, you just found out that your mother, your only family, had only 4 months to live due to an incurable disease. You had been with her when she received the diagnosis, and had been so taken aback by the news. However, you knew your mum would be more affected by the news than you, so you pretended to be strong and comforted your mum. Your mum, however, seemed to have already expected the news and merely smiled sadly at you. After returning home and sending her to bed, you ran out of the house, not being able to control your emotions any longer.

Fate was so cruel to you, your mum was the only family you had left and if she was gone, you would be all alone. Alone in this big, crowded world. The tears flowed endlessly out of your eyes and your heart throbbed painfully against your chest. You couldn't do anything about the wave after wave of hopelessness that threatened to pull you under, so you gave in to those emotions, wallowing in your misery.

A sudden tap on your shoulder made you snap out of the state you are in, and look up. A guy with straight black hair and narrow eyes stared back at you, concern shining in his eyes. Startled from his sudden appearance, you shrunk back.

As if noticed your surprise, he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and said, "Sorry for surprising you. I was walking my dog and saw you and I wanted to see if you were okay?"

A 'woof' from your right made you transfer your gaze onto a (D/B) dog, which was sitting on your bench, sticking his tongue out panting at you. You patted the dog on the head and wiped the streaks of tears left on your face and replied, "Thanks for the concern. I was just having some problems, a bad day."

He gestured to your left and asked, "May I sit here?" You nodded, and he settled himself beside you. "I see...Then would you like to hear a joke?"

Curious at this stranger's words, you raised an eyebrow at him. Your tears had long since stopped, momentarily distracted by him. Taking your silence as confirmation, he takes out a small black book out of his pocket and began.

"So, did you hear about that guy whose left side was cut off?" He asked, smiling at you.

Confused, you shook your head at his question. He merely smirked and said, "He's all right now."

The pun registered in your head and you gave him a small smile. Encouraged by your smile, he continued, "Have you ever tried eating a clock?" You were about to reply, when he finished his pun. "It's very time consuming."

You snickered, amused at the different puns he had.

"Yesterday I accidently swallowed some food colouring. The doctor says I'm okay, but I feel like I've dyed (died) a little inside."

"Oh and did you hear about this person who got hit by a can of soda? He was so lucky it was a soft drink!"

The list of puns that came pouring out of his mouth was endless, and by the time he was finishing his last one, you were clutching your stomach with laughter, tears almost overflowing from your eyes again, but this time for a different reason.

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