"Okay, two things," Steve said, "one; I thought we were more than friends by this point, and two; what's that got to do with it?"

She shrugged in defeat. "I don't know. I just don't want to ruin this day. I want it to be perfect."

"And it will be. If you just trust us."

"I do trust you."

Steve smiled and nodded at Tony. "Good," he said, and called out to the others to join them.

"Time to get to work, boys. And Nat," he added sheepishly when she gave him a glare.


The next two days were spent cleaning and straightening up for a few hours before cutting it off short to go for lunch at the nearest Shawarma(Tony's suggestion, obviously), after which they came back and watched movies together. Cara convinced them that night to watch both remaining Pirates movies, completing the movie series for Steve. Of course, the others had no idea what was going on most of the time, but that was what had made it fun for all of them.

On Saturday, Cara woke up and found Steve sleeping soundly next to her. Panicked, she shook him awake.

"Steve!" She whispered urgently. "Steve, wake up!"

When he opened his eyes and groaned groggily, she added, "what are you doing here?"

He smirked lazily. "What am I doing here? Cara, it's my room."

Cara let her mouth gape open, and allowed her eyes to trail down to his very shirtless chest(which was more chiseled than a Greek God's). "Oh god," she ran a hand through her messy bed head, "we didn't--"

"No, of course not," Steve reassured her, leaning up on his elbow to face her. Which she didn't fail to notice that that certain position revealed only more of his perfect physique, making her blush a bit. "You were nervous out of your mind, so you came in here with me," he reminded her.

"Oh, right," she sighed in relief. She didn't want her first time to be a time she didn't remember!

"On a lighter note," he changed the subject, "today's the day."

She nodded nerves racking her body all over again. "Yeah it is." She curled herself into Steve's chest, reveling in the warm, lingering scent that was purely Steve, radiating off his soft skin.

"Are you nervous?"

"Hell yeah," she confessed, "but I think I'll get over it. Don't you?"

"I think you will," he agreed, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Unfortunately, that wasn't enough for the teen. She felt as if she hadn't kissed Steve in forever, much less in private.

She held herself as close to him as was possible, moving her lips fiercely against his, savoring the taste of them. His hands found her waist, and she was about to roll herself on top of him when he pulled away, a small grin forming on her face.

"Let's not forget today's objective," he teased her lightly.

She nodded, sucking in a breath. "Right, of course."

There was a noise outside Steve's door, a loud knock. "Guys, usually I would apologize for interrupting a situation like the one you're in, but at this point, I don't care. You guys need to see this." It was Clint, and he seemed nervous(only a little, though).

"Okay, be right there," Cara called out, and pressed her lips to Steve's one more time before rolling out of bed, opening the door while still wearing her pajamas. "What is it?"

"Um, she showed up, and asked to see you." Clint led her into the living room, where a woman was standing off to the side, looking as if she didn't belong there.

That is, until she turned and saw Cara. Then a wide smile broke out on her face, and she rushed towards her, arms out. "Oh my god, Cara, it really is you!"

"Yes, it's me," she gasped as she was squeezed tightly, "but I'm not gonna be here any longer is you keep suffocating me like that," she choked out.

Her aunt released her immediately, an apologetic smile on her face. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. It's just so good to finally see you!" She still held Cara's hands in her own, now cutting the circulation off in that part of her body.

"It's good to see you, too," she replied, "you have no idea." She looked around, then, "but where's--"

"He's coming, he just wanted to--" her Aunt May cut her off, but only to be cut off by the shattering of glass.

Cara let out a yelp, and everyone else came to the living room in a matter of seconds.

"Oh, not the windows," Tony complained, "I hate fixing the windows."

"Sorry about that," a voice said, and Cara raised her eyebrow, looking at her aunt.

May nodded with a small smile. "This is him."

'Him' was her cousin, 'him' was a teenage boy, with a lanky build to his limbs and muscles. The most noticeable part of him, though, was the fact that he was clad in a red and blue suit that covered his eyes and had no mouth hole for him to speak through. A web-like pattern was etched across the suit in black lines.

"Hey, everyone," her cousin said with a friendly wave.

"I'm Peter."

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