And this wins: The Least Shocking News of My Life

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I didn't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out that he was one of the 'wizards' that were with Albus, that Nico and Thalia warned me about; but the accent was still a long stretch though.

And anyways, I've gotten in touch with Albus before I ran into the kid, but after Thalia left to go back to the Hunt and Nico to the Underworld.

We agreed we'd meet at their hotel room, tomorrow at 2:45. I guess all of them'll be surprised when they find out I know/ met 2 of the other party.

Little did I know a third party would surprise me even more.


I vapour travelled a few feet away from their hotel door; when I heard a voice, that was not good in this situation.

She was supposed to be at Camp for Family' Month, which was just a front for demigods with mortal parents unknowing of the danger. Frankly, with McLean and the Dare Comp CEO, it was easier as most of the attention was on them."

So what was my pregnant mother doing with a group of wizards?!

I decided, instead of busting in guns out I'll just sneak in and listen.

I broke myself down to only water particles, and 'seeped' through the gaps to the room.

There was a werewolf observing the argument from a corner with, the kid from last night and a gothic looking dude. 

My mom was standing by the foot of the bed and Albus right across her.

"Albus! I have gone away for a reason; that being I don't want to involve my family, anymore than I already have!"

"Paul has been very understanding of your predicament Sally, he's already even back to staying in touch with us." Dumbledore calmly replied

Paul is in on this too?!

"And my son? You're gonna drag him to a fight I left for good reason?" She asked angrily

I decided this as my entrance

Condensing myself sitting down on the bed; I interrupted

"She's right though, I've been dragged to too many fights if you ask me; but I'm going to stop and interrupt this before it gets out of hand; especially with my pregnant mother who's supposed to be back at our place." I interrupted

I can't be too specific on where she's supposed to be; because that's back at camp. And even though Albus might be related to the Gods, there are still laws against letting non immortal related people in on the secret.

"Bloody hell! You didn't go through the door so you must've apparated in; but we didn't hear you do that either." Lupin deducted

I shrugged in answer.

"Percy! Haven't I told you not to eavesdrop?"

"Mom eavesdropping is part of my heritage description?" I replied "beside you really should be back there y'know."

"Albus told me he was meeting you; I planned to be gone by then, except you're a little too early" pulling her lips in a tight line she glanced at the aforementioned, looking like she wanted to say more but kept it to herself she decided

"Well since you're both here now, why don't we just continue along to the reason why we've asked Percy to meet us, and the why Sally doesn't want us to discuss with Percy." Albus went on without hesitation

"Care to elaborate?"

"Your mother is the daughter of a man who wants to rule the world,

"Sirius!" The werewolf whisper-shouted

"-you're his grandson by blood making you susceptible to being taken by him. Why Remus?"

"Leave it to you to be blunt" The recognized Remus sighed

"So?" I asked in a light tone, with almost no care "You're telling me this because..?"

"Our whole point was in that one sentence rant. You're in danger of him coming after you, and everyone you love." Sirius exclaimed; although he hesitated before he answered.

"May I interject and say that we may also be in need of your assistance." the ancient demigod butt in

Bingo, there it was. "Ah, there's the catch. And assistance would be?"

"Assistance in defeating your grandfather of course." Of course, he added those two words to add a tone that it was obvious what they needed from me; and whilst he may know of my background and achievements. If you can consider them achievements while accounting for how many people died...

Best to get out of that train of thought before it goes farther back into memories, where was I? Right, his companions probably haven't the slightest idea about me, besides my maternal heritage and the bad news on my file.

"And how do you propose I help, given the fact that your lackeys don't look all that approving to trust me." I pointed out to him

My mom sat on the edge of the bed, and burrowed her face into her hands. She probably realized the question I asked undertones what I was supposed to do. And me asking that question means I'm not going to let this go.

"Well we'll sort that out back in England, at the Order of Phoenix Headquarters." Dumbledore offered a smile and a hand.

Percy Jackson, the Dark Lord's GrandsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon