A Nice Visit

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Thalia, Percy and I were getting ready for the funeral to honor the people who died, at mom's apartment. And don't say 'But oh Nico, your mom's dead'. Well Sally adopted Thalia and I after she heard the news about the war. She and Paul are currently at camp along with every demigod's mortal parent, for their own safety.
We were just staying here to see who'll be stupid enough to go after Percy's parents, but right now I was rolling up the sleeves of my black dress shirt up till my elbows then put on my leather jacket, I was wearing obsidian black jeans, along with matching sneakers. Thalia has her hair braided like Katniss with her tiara resting on top her head, wearing dark jeans, boots and a silver shirt under a leather jacket. Percy was wearing the darkest pair of jeans I've ever seen (and that was something) along with sneakers and a grey dress shirt under a leather jacket. We're addicts for leather jackets here.

"I'm going ahead, I need more time" Percy told us

"Sure we'll meet you there, then I want some bonding time with my cousins before I go again. Let's have dinner at Taki's" (Please comment if you get it XD) Thalia announced, Percy cracked the tiniest bit of smile I've seen since the war.

"Sure" Then he vapor travelled away (For my sake I'll just write vt for vapor travel and st for shadow travel) There was a tone in his voice. The other Seven were gone... Thalia and I are the only ones left of his close family.

Thalia looked at me and pointed at the sleeve of my dress shirt.
"Unfold those"
"But I rolled them up for a reason" she just looked at me
"Ughh fine"

Just as I was about to roll them down, the doorbell rang. I looked at Thalia she shrugged

"YOLO was made for something" and opened the door.

I found myself facing Albus, a legend at both camps, a werewolf, kid who looks-a-bit-like-Percy-but-not-really, and someone who looked way too sirius.

We arrived in New York just at the time Albus predicted, we settled in,in the hotel and rested for a bit. All of us were wearing muggle clothes, though Remus and I weren't quite used to it yet. After a couple hours Albus announced we have to find Perseus. We headed out and looked for the address written on the paper. We found it just before dark which was lucky since we were new to the place we'd get lost, and I wouldn't like to be mugged thank you very much, but Albus seems to know the place. But he looks like he knows everything.

We rang the doorbell and waited. A gothic looking kid opened up the door, he seemed surprised to see Albus, widened his eyes a bit when he saw Harry and narrowed his eyes at Remus and me. He looked at us as if we weren't normal, well we actually weren't normal. But he wasn't either he had this powerful aura, dark and dead.

"Albus? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in England? And why do you have a werewolf with you? Along with a shapshifter?" He questioned. How did he know?! He must be a Death Eater

"Hello Nico, I'll explain inside, is Perseus there?"Albus informed him

"No, he went ahead today's the day remember?"

"Oh yes. I knew it was near, but not today"

"Well he already went ahead, and we have plans for later"


"What's taking so long Death breath? We're gonna be late" A new voice joined, she came into view at the doorway. She placed her elbow at Nico's shoulder and leaned on him.

"Nice to see you again Thalia, I see you haven't changed" He pointed to the tiara atop her head, Thalia still shocked hugged him

"We missed you, and why would I resign liutenancy?"

"Well considering your well developed relationship with Mr. Di Angelo here I assumed something happened" with a tone of amusement. Nico blushed red, which was colorful compared to his pale skin.

"Ewwww he's my cousin! And you know my vows I stay loyal." She stated the last sentance proudly

"So was Luke" Nico joined the conversation only the three of them understand. Now Thalia blushed red, and stiffened.

"That was different and that was before the vow. But how 'bout you Neeks we all know you admitted to that Apollo girl what was her name, ahhh Jessamine." Thalia countered Nico blushed red once again and punched Thalia in the shoulder. I noticed a dark marking on his forearm, just below his wrist. The Dark Mark! He noticed me staring and hid it.
They chatted for a while with things and in a language we couldn't understand, before they bid their goodbyes. 

"What was that about Prof.?" Harry couldn't take anymore without asking, while walking back to the hotel

"They're old friends of mine, and they seem to have a busy schedule right now" came the reply

"And if you don't mind me asking what language was that?" Moony of course would ask, but hate to admit I'm quite curious myself.

"Ancient Greek"

"And how did he know of Remus and I?" I asked

"He has a horrible history with werewolves, but he's friends with a shapeshifter and spent some of their time together cruising with 6 more people" I noticed the answers were brief and was holding something back

"Am I the only one who noticed that, the Nico guy had a tattoo on his arm, and that Thalia girl called him Death Breath and she was glowing a bit?" Harry asked

"I noticed the tattoo but not the glowing part" I put in

Albus stayed silent a bit before answering "That is theirs to tell, I have known them for a long time, so have Neville, Luna, Tom from the Leaky Cauldron, Minerva, Severus and Draco" (I know this is cliche, but I live for clicheness)

"How do they know Draco and Severus?" Moony asked

"Most of us crossed path during the summer, but some met through battles and war"

"What war? If there was a war we would have noticed" I point out

"Like I said some secrets are theirs to tell" And with that silence ensued


See this is me being evil, ;) the more comments and votes I see to remind me the faster the update XD

BTW: I don't own anything sadly, if I did it would either be more tragic or happier... comment which one you would like to happen to the story happier? or more tragic? *cue evil laugh*

Demigod daughter of Chaos
Peace out in demigodishness and all that

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