Chloe's Homecoming

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The quinjet landed on the SHIELD Helicarrier and Chloe stepped out to be bombarded by confetti and streamers. "WELCOME HOME!" She surprised to see that all the SHIELD Agents planned a homecoming party for her. "You guys shouldn't have." Nick Fury came to her. "Actually, Tony had this planned. Now that you came back from your very first mission." She ran up to him hugging him. "Thank you so much. But this isn't necessary. Agent Hill, all of you, you were all right about me being too young to go on dangerous missions like this one." Agent Hill ran to her. "No, you're wrong with your courage and determination, you were able to on the mission." She gave a weak smile.

The party was in full swing with music blasting and everyone was having a good time. "You feeling okay kiddo?" Asked Bruce. She nodded. "It doesn't look like it." She sighed, "I know. When I was kidnapped by HYDRA, I wasn't as brave everyone thought I was. I was scared, scared that I might suffer the same fate Bucky did and..." She cried into his chest. "I don't wanna go through all that! I don't wanna be brainwashed and kill people!" Bruce wiped her tears away. "Don't cry my little brainiac. Believe it or not, I used to be scared too." She looked at him in disbelief. "No way, you scared?" He nodded. "I get scared fearing that the 'other guy' would take control of me hurt everyone including you."
"Brucey, even if you do hulk out, you won't hurt me. Trust me, you wouldn't even think of hurting me." She said assuring him.

***Extended ending***

"Chloe," She took a sip of water. "Yes?" She asked. "What was on that decoy flashdrive Agent Hill gave you?" She fell into a fit of hysterical laughter. Wanda was confused. "What's so funny Chloe?"

Somewhere in Germany...

"We've recovered our plans to recover the Winter Soldier." The HYDRA Agent placed the flashdrive and instead of plans it was something else.

They all had blank expressions on their faces. "What is this?" Some of them had their jaws dropped knowing that Sailor America has fooled them.

 "What is this?" Some of them had their jaws dropped knowing that Sailor America has fooled them

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"That American brat tricked us!" There is one HYDRA Agent that found the video entertaining. "What? It's got a good beat."

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