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» Taylor's POV «

"Sweetie." Michael shook me awake.

"Hm." I moaned to let him know I was awake and listening.

"We need to plan some living arrangements." He told me.

I sighed and slowly sat up.

Opening my eyes, I yawned and looked at him.

"I... I don't know. I don't want to live in that house anymore, and I don't want to live by myself, but I don't want to be a burden." I explained.

"You would not be a burden, I promise you that." He shook his head sternly.

I nodded and nervously bit my lip.

"Do you know who you want to live with?" He asked gently.

"W-would it be okay... If I lived with you?" I blushed and looked down.

"Yeah, of course. If that's what you want. But that's a package deal that includes Calum, Ashton, and Luke." He chuckled.

I giggled a little and nodded. "I'm okay with that."

"So it's your choice on what we do with your house. We can either sell it to a bank or something or you can do something with it..." He suggested.

"Could I like, donate it to the club? Like for another place for people to stay if they wanted? Or just like another hang out?" I asked and looked up at him.

He looked surprised at me suggestion. "You'd want that?"

"Yeah. I'd do anything to help out. I mean, I don't think I'm going anywhere for a while anyway." I shrugged.

He chuckled and shook his head. "No, you definitely aren't going anywhere. Yeah, if that's what you really want we won't turn down the offer." He told me.

"Okay. I'll just need to go through everything and we can probably sell a ton of stuff depending on what we are going to use it for and I'll need to pack my stuff." I said.

"We can do that today. I just have to talk to the rest of the club and see what they want to do with it. Then we can go pack your stuff and move you into our place." He explained.

"Okay. Am I allowed to walk yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, but you need to be extremely careful. Only walk if you have to and if it starts to hurt, sit on the ground no matter where you are. We don't want it to get infected because the stitches opened or something. I really don't want to scare you but if it gets infected it could be fatal." He told me honestly.

"Okay. I promise, I'll be careful." I smiled weakly.

"Good. I'm going to go talk to the group. Just yell if you need anything." He said.

I nodded and he kissed my forehead before walking out.

I blushed and didn't bother hiding it since he couldn't see me.

I slowly got up and went to the bathroom that connected to the room I was in.

After I did my business, I went back to the bed and sat down. It really doesn't hurt that much, luckily.

I sat down and thought about the different possibilities of what they might do with the house and what we would sell or keep in each scenario.

I just remembered that they know about my self harm. God dammit, I'm gonna have to throw my blades away...

I have to stop if it really means that much to Michael.


"Taylor... It hurts to know that you do this to yourself. And I'm going to help you stop." He told me. "I don't care what it takes. I'm not going to let you hurt yourself ever again. You mean to much too me. If something happened to you, I'd never be able to live with myself. You've become a major part of my world and no one would ever be able to fill the spot you've made for yourself."

Flashback over

I have to stop.

The door opened and brought me out of my thoughts.

"So here's the thing." Michael started. "Everyone decided it would be a good place for some other people to live. They have been looking for a bigger place to stay for a while and decided to take the shot and ask." He told me.

"I told you it could be for the club. If that will help them, then they can have it." I smiled.

"Okay. I'll tell them in a little bit. How are you feeling? Does it hurt?" He asked.

"I'm alright and it really doesn't hurt that much." I said.

"That's good. So I know we don't have any more clothes for you right now, but I was thinking I could take you to your house soon." He suggested.

"Yeah, okay. How soon is soon?" I asked.

"Whenever you're ready." He cheekily grinned.

"Then just let me put on my shoes." I replied.

He handed them to me. "I'm gonna go tell the guys about everything and then we can go." I nodded at his statement and continued putting the shoes on my feet.

I heard him leave the room as I tied the last shoe and stood up.

I casually walked out of the room and immediately recognized where I was, because of the little tour thingy Michel gave me last night. I stretched a little bit and saw Michael approach me.

"You ready to go?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Yeah." I looked down to hide the blush forming on my cheeks from the simple gesture.

"Let's go."

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