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» Michael's POV «

Her head snapped up and I felt my stomach drop at the sight of her face. It was covered in bruises, she had obviously been crying, and it looked like she's never heard of sleep. And there was something on her neck... Hickies?!

"I have my fucking reasons, okay?! I have my fucking reasons for not answering your calls, or talking, or looking at you! You're so far up each others asses that you don't realize maybe I'm dealing with my own personal problems!" She snapped and stormed out of the room.

"What the fuck just happened?" Luke breathed after a moment of silence.

"Come on. We need to go figure out who did that to her." Ashton demanded.

That's when it hit me, for some reason. She had to be getting beaten or something. It's not like she just fell. And I'm going to find out who put their dirty fucking mouth on my girl. Wait... Did I just say my girl?

You know what? Whatever. I like Taylor. And I don't care who knows it anymore. I just need to get her safe.

We all got up and walked out of the classroom. I saw her exit the building, and the others must have too as we followed her out.

She was a good amount ahead of us and we stayed silent, creeping around the same corners as her.

Eventually, we approached her house. She was hesitant to open up the door, looking scared.

She finally went through the doorway and after a moment it closed behind her. We all slowly and quietly got closer to the house. We heard a few bangs and some guys cheering.

I looked at the others and sent confused, yet worried glanced at them.

At the same time, we all slowly went up to the window closest to the door and looked in. I saw about 10-12 men and a few strippers watching one guy beat a girl. But not just any girl. Taylor. I quickly pulled away and got all of their attention.

"We need to do something. And now." I huffed as anger coursed through my body.

"Let me call the rest of the gang and they can bring out supplies." Ashton stated.

"Make sure they hurry the fuck up before I can't control myself any longer and I barge in there." I said as I slowly felt the anger taking over my body.

He quickly went to call as Luke and Calum tried to calm me.

"Calm down. If we go in there right now, we will be fucked. They have guns and we need to wait for ours to get here." Calum said with a hand on my shoulder.

We aren't feared people for no reason. We are part of one of the most feared gangs in the country. If we kill someone, the police don't even try to press charges or anything.

"They are in there beating an innocent girl and you're out here telling me to calm down." I huffed and stood up.

I heard another bang come from the house and the anger was taking over my body. Before I realized what I was doing, I started storming towards the front door but I felt two people pull me back.

"Michael calm down." Luke ordered.

They both held one of my arms, seeing as I could drag either of them across the ground with my strength.

"We will get her, but right now I need you to relax." Calum said sternly.

I tried to yank my arms away, but failed.

"Ashton! They better hurry!" Luke called out.

I heard him say something into the phone about how I was about to go on another rampage so they need to hurry.

I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down, thinking about how I could get her out if I just wait. It didn't work very well as I started thinking about what they're doing to her and how I wasn't helping anything right now.

I felt Luke and Calum start to relax, but I changed that in the blink of an eye.

"I need to get her out of there!" I yelled as I tried to get them off of me.

Suddenly Ashton was in front of me, holding my shoulders.

"They're almost here. Give it a minute. Just breath for a second." He soothed.

I sighed and forced myself to calm down. Luke and Calum hesitantly let go as I stopped struggling and sat on the ground. I tugged at my hair and tried not to stress over it but I couldn't help to think about the girl in there that is currently getting hurt.

A car pulled in and I shot up.

Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Harry and a few other guys all got out. I rushed over and they started handing out weapons. I took a pistol with a silencer on it and a couple different knives.

"Okay, so the plan-" I cut Ashton off by pushing through everyone and running towards the door.

No one thought twice about following me as they all knew they couldn't stop me.

I opened the door and saw about 3 guys in the room. I immediately pulled my gun out and cocked it and aimed it, while my body filled with anger again.

"What the hell do you want?" One spat as they pulled out their guns.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." I growled as all the others quickly got into the room and stood around me with their own guns out.

Their eyes widened and and they actually looked quite terrified for a moment.

They glanced at eachother and nodded before one of them whistled.

The other guys all came running into the room with guns pulled out.

They all looked a little surprised to see it was us, as we are very well known.

"Hard way it is." I smirked before pulling the trigger.

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