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Dear diary Lu-Lu-Lu-Lu-Lu-Luigi
Today's Mario's b-day and I know Mario plans to watch his favourite show if you didn't know his favourite show is in the night garden. Every day on his birthday he wants a toy  of upsy daisy but today I have plans I'm gonna prank him by taking his diary and post it on watt pad.
I finally got it I have Mario's diary the first words are "I will always love you upsy daisy till the end of time". Wait is this sentence the only thing on the page argh let's see Sunday. "Luigi wanted Yoshi to come to the movies so badly I don't know why" let's skip a few lines ok "Yoshi was blocking the whole view now I know why he wanted Yoshi to come". Wait is he just trying to make me sound bad hey what's this "Luigi and Yoshi wouldn't do what I said they kept watching my little pony?" Mario! he's gonna pay alright, no one can ever see this I took out my iPad to search how to burn books but I went on watt pad first. Wait a second Mario has a profile on watt pad no this can't happen. I quickly search up the book Nooo it's too late he posted it on watt pad I don't even know who would do such a dumb thing like that. Well I'm still gonna burn it I grabbed some matches and sneaked outside quietly so Mario wouldn't hear.Then I lit a fire and threw the book in. I herd Mario screaming rapidly I turned around to find the house.  On fire I herd Mario screeching "where's my upsy daisy! what happened to my beautiful house". Yoshi and Mario stared at me they looked really mad at me but I said  "I know it looks bad but l can explain guys" Then explain" Mario said Mario's breath was soo bad it smelt like he ate Waluigi's famous poopy eggs. It was soo bad that the match I was holding shrivelled up and then Mario breathed in so hard ready to let out a loud scream. But then he sucked in the fire  in between his lips and then the fire went out Mario tried to shout but a shrivelled cough came out instead the fire men came rushing over. Looking at Mario like they thought he was actually hurt but actually Mario  used a secret jaw cream that keeps his mouth from being hurt. Mario looked at the fire man and pretended to look hurt but he actually wasn't he said "I need water" the fire men rushed over to get some water from their drink bottles but Mario screamed "No I want
the hose water!" So one of the men got the hose and Mario opened his mouth wide open and they squirted the water in his mouth for about an hour it was so boarding so I said to Yoshi "lets go to Big Games" and Yoshi said "ok".

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