Chapter 9

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"The family of Tika Robinson" The doctor says.

"Yes" I say going up to him. We all go up to him and just wait for him to say something.

"Ms.Robinson is doing better she got shot in the chest and her shoulder, luckily we successfully took both out.. She bleed a lot so now we're just letting her recover" He says.

I cry tears of joy. "Can we see her?" I ask.

"Only immediate family can go in" He says.

"They are family doctor... We all stick together" I say. "Fine go on in but you guys can't stay long she need her rest" He says.

"Thank you doctor" I say.

We walk In and see a breathing machine hooked up to her, all sorts of tubs hooked up to her. It's more painful seeing her like this. I walk up to her and kiss her cheek. "You're going to be good Tika don't worry" I whisper in her ear.

"I can hear her says girl dry them tears I'm good!" Mandi says. Causing me to laugh a little. Tika was always the one to be strong and stay positive for my sake. August holds my hand.

"Let's say a prayer bring some good vibes in here" August says. We hold each other hands and lay the other on Tika. Bowing our heads we then close our eyes.

"Heavenly Father above , I'm not the best at praying and sometimes I don't know what to say but, I pray that you hear my cries lord. My sister needs you now more than ever please bring life back into her... I know Mel and her our having a blast up there but we need her back.".

"You're doing great" Mandi says.

"Please lord bless my sister and give her another chance to continue living on this beautiful planet earth... In the name of Jesus we pray amen" I say.

"Do you have tea?" I ask August searching through his kitchen cabinets.

"Yeah let me get it for you" He says hovering over me to open the top cabinets.

"Who keeps their tea that damn high?" I ask.

He laughs, "I'm a tall guy baby so it don't bother me".

"We need to make things so my short ass can reach, I can't be calling you to the rescue all the damn time" I say laughing.

"I got you baby " He says.

"You know I was shocked you said it back.".

"Why? You really think I'd be doing all of this for some girl I just like... I'm a grown ass man baby ain't no time for games" He says.

"Agreed... So you don't think we're moving too fast?" I ask.

"Not at all Indyah people catch feeling quickly sometimes you can't control when you love someone unless you just really don't love that person" August says.

"I get what you're saying, it's like the heart wants what the heart wants.".

"You know what you need a day away from the hospital... I'm going to take you there in the morning to visit Tika but we not staying there" He says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Cause you need some time away from there, you just got release then had to rush to your sister side... I promise she going to be alright without you there" He says.

I think on it for a little bit. "Okay just for a little while but we got to go back before visitation hours are over".

"Deal" He says smiling. I just love his smile it makes me feel all warm inside.

"You know one thing I love about you , the way you look at me shit is a turn on" He says with a grin.

I giggle, "How do I look at you?".

"With some much love yet so much lust at the same time... Like you want me to fuck the shit outta ya then make love to you" He says.

I can feel my face then red. "That's a vivid way to say it.. I'm nervous about when we get to that" I say.

"To what... Sex?" He ask. I nod my head yes. "No need to be all guide you... Plus your first time I want to take care of you.... Going to start off nice and slow it's going to be painful but you'll get used to it then I'm going to give you a ten minute break then proceed to eat your pussy licking up all your sweet nectar" He says.

At this point my eyes are about to pop out my damn head. I am in utter shock everything he said. Sex with him I can tell will be amazing. I always hear girls talking about how their boyfriends gave them bomb dick I bet August got bomb dick.

"Too much? I forgot you are a little young but very mature for your age" He says.

"It wasn't too much just surprised.... Hmm bet after all that I'm going to be a damn pro" I say laughing.

He chuckles "Probably will be... The sweetest and quietest females be the freaky ones".

"You're a mess.".

"Shit probably am... I got some work in the morning before I take you to the hospital I want you to know so that when you don't see me you don't panic" He says.

"Where you going?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"Just got to collect from a few people... Don't worry I'll be back by the time you up alright" He says resting his hand on my thigh.

"Better be.. Please come back safe" I say. I don't agree with his lifestyle at all. Wish he could leave the game now but everyone knows that shit isn't that easy. I lay my head on his shoulder while we watch television. I pray God watches over him everyday keeping him safe.

"I promise I will baby I ain't going anywhere anytime soon" He kisses my forehead.

"I pray you don't" I mumble. I've seen people get shot right in front of me; that shit is scary. I know August street rep he isn't someone to play with which mean he's the most hated and got people that want his head.

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