"Yup you're in love Indyah" Mandi says.

"I think so" I say.

"Where he at anyway?" She ask.

"He went to go shower and change.".

"You ate?" She ask.

"No hopefully he brings me some food" I say.

"I'm back" August says walking in with bags. "What's up Mandi? I brought you some food and some clothes baby" He says putting the bags down.

"Mm thank you handsome" I say.

He hands me a plate from IHOP and some orange juice. Then he hands Mandi one.

"Oh shit thanks bro-in-law" Mandi says.

"No problem kiddo" He says.

"I'll be back Steven calling me" Mandi sways walking out.

"Why'd you get that voodoo doll on your shoulder?" I ask Aug before bitting into my pancakes.

"I got cause ya know how people say if you from Nola you do voodoo but I got it to represent that I control my life, I control where I go, I control if I fuck you know" He says.

"That's cool any more that mean a lot to you".I say.

"I ain't never tell you this but this right here these dates and the caution tape it represent my dead brotha , the day he died, his birthday" August says with tears building up in his eyes.

"How'd he die?" I ask.

"One day I got a call and they said... They killed your brother... That day it felt like I died with him shit hurt" He says.

"I'm sorry August" I say.

"It's good I know my big brother up there watching over me and my family keeping us safe and all that" He says.

"I never hear you talk about your mom" I say.

"No need to she ain't in my life" He says sounding upset.

"I've never been out of state maybe we can take a trip out there once I finish school?" I ask.

"Yeah we can do that baby but we ain't visiting my mom" He says.

"I'll drop that for now" I say.

"Drop it forever baby it ain't nothing to talk about" He says.

"Alright babe.".

"Morning you two" Nurse Gayle says waking in.

"Morning" August and I say at the same time.

"Well Indyah your doing a little better the doctor is going to release you today but be sure to drink your medication as prescribed." she says.

"Awesome." I say with a smile on my face.

"Indyah ! " Mandi yells busting through the door.

"What happened ?" I ask.

"Tika... I just saw her.." .

"Saw her what ?" I ask trying to get her to spit it out.

"She got shot bloods all over her they rushed her in the emergency room" She says crying.

My heart shatters to piece, my head star to spin. "Please tell me you're lying !" I begged. The water works begin. " I need to go see !" I say getting out of bed.

"Indyah calm down honey let's takes these off of you and get you a wheel chair" Gayle says.

Each second that pass by feel like minutes. The pain I feel in my heart is worse than any physical pain. " August will you please push my wheel chair" I say.

August ask around for Tika but they acting like they don't know where she's at. "Lady they just brought in a shooting victim she's 22 real beautiful ... The fuck she at !?" I ask.

"I need you to tone that attitude down" The lady says popping her gum.

I roll my eyes at her, this bitch has some nerves. She starts typing away. "Name ?" She ask not looking up.

"Tika Robinson" I say.

"She's up in surgery... Go sit in the waiting room the doctors will call you" She says looking at me with the look on her face.

"Thanks for nothing stupid bitch" I say.

"Little girl go on, don't make me show you a bitch She says laughing.

"Lady you too old for this shit I'll drag you by the ugly ass blonde weave you got on top of you head" Mandi says.

August holds my hand. "She going to be alright Indyah, Tika strong as fuck" August says.

"I hope so.." I say sniffling. She's the only person I got. Tika is my best friend my sister my every damn thing I can not lose her.

"Shit I need some fresh air" August gets up quickly and walk out. I look at Mandi and she looking at me. "I'll give him some time" I say.

I've been sitting in the damn waiting room for a hour now and no word on Mandi. I roll myself outside to go check on August. He's sitting there with his head in his palms. "You alright?" I ask. He nods his head no. "This shit reminds me too much of loosing my brotha".

"Tika isn't going anywhere... Your brotha watching over her telling her to stay with us cause she's suppose to watch over us" I say.

I see a tear slide down his face. "What's your brother name?" I ask.

"Mel" He says.

"Mel was an amazing person I can tell and he continue to live through you, and right now Mel is with Tika telling her to come back to us... So when she gets done with this she can nag you into living this life August" I say.

He holds my hand then kiss it. "August this shit that happen to her isn't nobody trying to get her that's cross fire between street gangs, shit is serious out here... I love you August" I say.

He looks up at me shocked. "You don't have to say it back but I do and all this shit mad me realize I can't hide it anymore.. It's only been a few month but I can't help it" I say.

August kisses me , holding the back of my neck. "I love you too baby girl" He says breaking the kiss. I start smiling against his lips. "Let's go back inside baby girl" August says.

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