Chapter 11 (Levi's Route Part 2)

Start from the beginning

(Erens POV)

(I saw (f/n), she was under me and i wanted to call out to her..i tried calling out to her but..wait..Captain levi was there, he..grabbed her and took her away from me..she was so scared..)

(Your POV)

"Oi.. Eren.." Eren realizes he is kneeled on the ground, everyone is staring at him and levi is hovering above him with his arms crossed. "Four eyes asked you a question, are you capable or not?" Levi's eyes hardened at Eren. Eren's eyes slowly turned into a glare as he rose from the ground. "..yes..i can count on it." Levi's eyes seem to almost light up for a split second. "it's settled then. Four eyes.." Levi trails off walking back to them.

Hanji stares in a second of curiosity at Eren.

"alrighty then, since we know the plan, let's talk about how we are going to conduct this mission. *ehem* levvii?~" hanji's head notions to Levi. Levi mutters a small 'tsk' and begins to address the cadets positions.

"As of this morning we have spotted several 7 meter and 5 meter classed titans in the area. That being said, we remain under alert that the titans will be abnormals and more dangerous than usual, so everyone needs to stay armed and alert at all times once we depart. Eren will be under my supervision, Commander Erwin will remain with you cadets to keep formation and least and last; Hanji will be behind the formation observing it all".

There was a bit of a silent pause the ran through the air. Some cadets seemed a bit more nervous then usual about today's mission. Eren's eyes caught note of it, a gave a quiet sigh to himself.

"Good, if there no questions or objections we head out immediately, I want to be back by sunset" Levi and Hanji began to walk back to the building. Erwin stating his last words before he took his leave.

"There is no guarantees of our mission but let's give it our all cadets" Erwin stands for a salute among the cadets, and they all salute back to the Commander. The commander walks off and the cadets one by one head back to get ready as quick as they can for the mission. Even follows Mikasa and Armin as they prepare.

Levi dismissed himself from Erwin and Hanji's de-briefing, and exits the commanders room. His eyes shift to both ends of the hall and he lets out a small sigh in hesitation. Levi begins to walk back to his room, he reaches the door and quietly opens it, peeking into the room before stepping in, he see's a small frame curled up onto the bed. He removes his shoes and quietly walks over to the bedside. He stops and pauses for a moment, he sees your hair softly placed over your cheek and your eyes gently in a deep sleep of dreams. Your arms wrapped around his pillow and face burrowed into it.

He hesitates to do anything..then slowly slumps into the chair beside the bed. He takes a quiet sigh and glances up at the ceiling, his expression conflicted. Levi turns his head and watches the drapes from the window softly sway in the breeze of early day. He gives a small grunt, kneels down facing you and lays his head next to the pillow.

(Levi's POV)
Shit, I just can't help it..I wanna wake her up so bad and see her smile again..before I have to go, I promised her I would let her rest..but I don't wanna leave her here, these feelings keep on growing, they become almost irritating to feel your face next to mine, to see those beautiful eyes rest, almost like a sleeping flower..


What the hell am I even thinking, this is ridiculous..I'm her hell I can be with her, I have to make a choice.. and it's gonna be best for both of us..I care about her, so I won't let myself hinder her like this anymore. I'm sorry for what I've caused you, I don't regret it..but I won't deny my feelings for you anymore..

(Back to your POV)

Levi opens his eyes and realizes you turned around in your sleep. He pauses for a moment then with his head held down, he stands up, slips his boots on,  grabs his jacket and begins to walk out the door. As the door slowly comes to a close Levi takes one last peek before fully shutting the door, hoping you would wake and he could come back in, but asleep you remained and he fully closed the door.

He took brisk steps and called out to the remaining cadets in the hall and rooms, with one loud and steely tone.

"All cadets remaining, let's head out, now!".

Levi's steps became brisk and fast paced, leaving behind his feelings in his room with you, he carried on to complete the mission.

With all the horses and cadets ready, they set out, commander Erwin leads the way for today's mission.
Levi closely watching Eren and not losing sight of him.

For a brief moment he turns his head back to the building where you sleep, hesitating as he rides forward.

When you wake, I hope these feelings will leave me and things will go as they were, for the best.

The Cadets and Erwin fall back and leave Levi and Erwin to fall in front of the formation and scout for any titans. As they ride on Eren rides abnormally close to Levi's horse, his eyes cold.

"Captain, it's not my place to ask but, why was (f/n) in your room..?" Eren's eyes harden. Levi was surprisingly caught off guard by his remark remains silent and only stares into the younger teens hard eyes.

The shout of another scout made Levi and Eren lose contact and right in front of them a huge titan loomed and charged right at them. Levi yanked his horse to Eren's side and pushed them both out of the way, they both ended up toppling off their horses because Eren grabbed onto Levi and Levi couldn't hold the horses turn with Eren grabbing onto him. As they both plunge to the ground Levi and Eren are thrown and couple feet. Levi throws his head up and looks at the surrounding, Eren is ahead by a few feet still on the ground and the titan is headed straight for the castle.

"Looks like an abnormal Commander!!"

"Stay your course, we head on!!" Erwin's voice shouts from behind.

Levi looks up with distress in Erwin's response and instantly tries to get up. His shoulder stings in pain as he calls back his horse and yells at Eren to get his ass up.

I've got to get back! And fast!

(Authors note

Don't worry things are going to get intense veryyy soon, like next chapter (☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎

But thank you very much for reading this far and for all the support, I'm slow at producing chapters but it's definitely not done yet.
P.s I will be making minor changes, vocabulary amendments, and checking grammar
Until next time!)


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