009- Preference

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What your date night is like

Date night with Calum was always stressful but never boring. He would end up locking his keys in the house or forgetting to make reservations. You knew you were in for a interesting night when Calum was planning it.

Date night with Ashton would be relaxing. He would take note during the week of how stressed you were. So one night you would come home to a candle lit dinner for the two of you. Then afterwards he would lead you up to a nice bubble bath he had drawn that was surrounded by candles.

Date night with Luke would be spontaneous. He would take you to a nice dinner. Then you guys would be walking home and see a little arcade so you would stop in and spend hours goofing around, just having fun.

Date night with Michael would be adventurous. He would take you on a drive to a field in the middle of no where and lay out a nice picnic for you both. He'd have soft music playing that was perfect for the two of you to dance to, just enjoying each others company.

A/n: Requests anyone?

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