Our first morning together

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Lucy's POV

"Get the hell up blondie, me and Midnight are hungry and we don't know how to cook," I heard Cobra nagging from above me. I really don't want to get up, I mean who would want to ruin their peaceful sleep and make breakfast for someone else. It doesn't make sense.

"Get the hell away," I mumbled and put a pillow on top of my face, trying to convince them to let me sleep longer.

I curled up in my blanket, thinking that they went away when I felt myself being lifted from my bed.

My blankets and pillows all fell onto my bed as I rose to the ceiling. I looked over at Midnight who was picking me up.

Wait a minute, Midnights not supposed to be this strong, for goodness sake he wears makeup. Also I'm pretty sure that he weighs as much as me.

"Put me down," I screeched. Cobra starting laughing and I started to struggle, trying to get out of Midnights grip.

"Ahh, blondie look at you, I didn't know bimbos could fly," Cobra shouted and Midnight snickered as I struggled. Something in my mind just snapped and I started going off on them.

"You dicks, I'm a woman. You two should be thankful that I even let you into my house. Now put me the fuck down," I shouted at the two but they just continued to laugh. They really are dicks.

I felt Midnight slowly put me down and I turned around to look at him. His cold eyes just stared back at me.

"How can you even pick me up," I asked and he smirked at me. Why do all guys have that asshole look. You know, when they have that stupid smirk on their face and they look over confident. Yeah, that's the look Midnight had on right now.

"Well, I'm just strong," Midnight said, flexing his muscles for me to see. Yep, he's defiantly a dick.

Then Cobra came up behind me,after he was done with his fits of laughter and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down blondie, we only want food, now make it for us," He told me and I slapped his hand off my shoulder. I am so going to teach these guys some manners.

I smirked and they raised there eyebrows.

"What do you say when you want something," I taunted, waiting for them to say please to me. This will teach them not to mess with me, I will embarrass them so much that they will run away with their tails between their legs.

"Give it to me or I will hurt you?" Midnight asked, sounding like he wasn't sure what to say. Really, have they never heard of the word please.

"No, say please," I told them. They both looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

"Please," They both said to me and I smiled. I will have these two ready for society in no time. Watch out world,here comes Midnight, Cobra and Lucy.

I stood there in my thoughts for a few when I got shoved in my back making me stumble forward.

"Come on blondie, we said please,now make us food," Cobra hissed, hurrying me into the kitchen. I turned around and glared at him, I guess I will have to get dressed after I make them food.

"Fine," I huffed and walked into the kitchen looking for food to make.

"What do you guys want to eat," I asked and they both shrugged their shoulders. I looked at them for an answer.

"Anything edible," Midnight answered and I sighed. I guess I'll have them eat cereal since it quick, I'll make them something better later.

I poured cereal into three bowls, then added the milk and spoon. I pushed it across the table and In front of Cobra and Midnight.

"Enjoy," I smiled, walking into the bathroom to get dressed. I'll eat my bowl of cereal when I'm done getting dressed.

I wore my usual outfit then checked my appearance in the mirror. I'm looking pretty good today if I do say so myself.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where Midnight and Cobra were supposed to be eating their cereal.

"What the HELL," I shouted at the two. They were using the the spoons to flick cereal and milk at each other.

Milk was splattered across the table and cereal was decorating the floor. My poor kitchen.

I walked up to them and grabbed the spoons out of their hands.

"You guys know that cereal is meant for eating and not throwing, right," I scowled, sounding like a mom. I am way to young to be a mom and from all this stress of yelling at these two I'm gonna get wrinkles all over my face.

"But that was fun," Cobra sighed and started to eat the cereal regularly. I sighed,this is gonna be a handful with these two around. Plus what am I gonna tell the guild, that I adopted Cobra and Midnight and they're now my sons.

*bang* *bang* *bang*

I walked over to my door and opened it up to find Doranbolt and Lahar standing there. It feels like this has happened before, doesn't it.

"Yes," I asked, forgetting my fear of the Magic Council. I am just annoyed with them right now, like for real who wouldn't be. They shoved men into my face then took off running.

"Umm, Lucy we would like you to take care of the rest of Oracion Seis for us," Lahar said, pushing up his glasses. My mouth dropped and my eyes widened. Do they really expect me to be able to or want to take care of all of them, at once.

"We will increase your pay," Doranbolt told me, taking a bag of jewel out of his pocket. These guys are good, how did they know I was broke.

I sighed and grabbed the money out of Doranbolt's hand.

"Where are they?" I questioned and they both smiled and stepped to the side of the doorway so Hoteye, Angel and Racear could come walking in.

Oh, isn't that great they are already here. Isn't that just peachy.

"Thanks again Lucy," Lahar thanked me, bowing his head a little but then walking away. Ahh, the Magic Council is totally in my debt for this.

Well I guess this means we have to go shopping again. Yah.

Has been edited.

Hope you enjoyed.

Peace out.😜

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