Chapter Two

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Chapter Two ~ Kidnapped, again.

As my senses came to I realized two things. One, there was a strange but light sensation going on around my body and two: these sheets were way to silky to be mine. Also, when I thought my bed was soft, it was nothing compared to the heaven I was in right now.

Naturally, the reality that was now crashing down on me caused me to bolt up right in the bed just as a girl who looked to be about 20 came gliding into the room. Chills ran down my spine and a feeling of slight warmth spread though out my body causing me to relax because a) this woman was a vampire and b) she had no intention of hurting me.

But before anything could really happen and she could get too close something came over me like a tidal wave of crazy causing me to start giggling as I fell back onto the bed and tears started to fall from my eyes. The woman was by my side in an instant, her hands working in a flurry and my back began to arch in pain as my chest began to tighten.

Through the hysterics I could faintly make out her words "Oh dear, what has he done to you?" Before I was hit by another wave of hysteria.

"Wh-whats happening t-to me?" I choke out between my sobs as I thrash about with my hands gripping against the sheets and I gave out a frightened whimper as my sight left me. "I can't see!"

A pair of strong arms wrapped around me as they pulled me into a hardened chest that was softened by the fabric of his t-shirt. One of his arms untangled themselves to start stroking my hair while he whispered calming things in my ear. Through my blindness I could sense another figure that stood silently at the doorway, giving off waves of power and darkness. So much so that I cowered into the chest of my holder.

Something thick, slick and wet was trailing down my face and seemed to be coming from my eyes so I reached up and touched the stuff before placing a drop on my tongue. The hysteria picked up and my heart sped up a million as my dead eyes opened wide, expanding the blackness. My eyes were bleeding and I had no idea why.

"Nik, what did you do?" The woman from earlier demands.

"I didn't do anything. I wasn't there for the raid and capture." Evil creepy dude comments and I have to say, his voice suits his aura which is black and red with a small slithering of gold.

I turn my head towards the woman and see that her colours are red like the evil dude but lighter in a sense. She also had silver and gold. The man holding me had a red like the girl but he also had purple and a lot of gold.

"Pretty colours..." I murmur in awe. I try to look down at myself but once again all I could see was black. No pretty colours or auras around me. This realization causes me to pout.

The evil man, I think his name was Nik, sighs. "Why does she have to pout? And what does she mean by pretty colours..." My gaze was on him and the colour grey flashes across my vision. Confusion.

I get up and out of my holders embrace to to walk over to Nik. My hand reaches out and strokes his face. Ignoring the tingles that spiked my own confusion I focus on the dark mysterious man in front of me.

"Why are you confused?" He steps back, away from my hand like it burned him so it fell to my side and the grey around him intensifies.

"I'm not confused." Yellow added to the mix. Surprise. Also a dark, charcoal grey swirls around him. Untruth.

"Nik, don't lie to me."

"I am not lying!" He roars.

"And denial isn't just a river in Egypt."

"Do you have any idea who you are speaking to young lady?" The deep red intensifies and it wasn't because of his craving for the blood on my cheeks. He was angry and he was raising his hand to hit me.

A Change of Fate (Sequel to DJMTYKM)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant