we're shooting in twenty doll. don't be late! 😉

"knock, knock."

i gulped and quickly looked up from my phone, nearly dropping it. "cara! hey!"

cara eyed me and my phone suspiciously. "hm, watcha got there? nudies?"

rolling my eyes, i shut my phone and put it in my pocket. "yes cara. because you know how much i love sending nudes." she giggled. "no, i was just scrolling through my social media. what's up?"

a frown formed across her face. "i'm so hungry and none of the food here looks good enough to me. please say you'll come with me to eat. i'll buy."

"you don't need to pay for me, but of course i'll go with you. i'm in desperate need of a cheeseburger." i whined.

"thank the lord. let's go!" she grabbed my hand and started running.

about 15 minutes later, we pulled back into the the parking lot by the set and pulled out our large order from the mcdonald's bag.

"god," i said with a mouthful of food. "i really needed this." i took a sip of my strawberry milkshake. the combination of meaty and juicy combined with cool and creamy made me tear up a little.

"oh my god, margot," cara cackled. "are you fucking crying?"

"no i'm not!" i hissed.

she laughed even harder. "i cannot believe you are crying over food, this is hilarious."

"it's just really good, okay?" i started laughing with her.

cara was a great friend. though i had just met her recently, her and i bonded as if we'd known each other forever. i could tell her everything and anything and she always knew the perfect thing to say. she's my missing piece.

"so, how do you feel?" she said, eyes locked on her burger.

i picked up my shake from the cup holder and took a long sip before answering. "about?"

she rolled her eyes. "abkriwekirjwirhsnsjurd."
i stared at her, an raising an eyebrow. she swallowed her food with a huge gulp and replied, "about working with jared you ninny."

"oh," i said softly. "well, i mean it's something...new."

"he was so good in that one movie! what was it called...with demi moore..." she went off, flustered.

"requiem?" i answered.

"yes oh god...he's brilliant." cara quickly bagged all her trash and looked at me. "i'm kind of jealous you got to work with him."

"eat your heart out." i smirked.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

after that lunch break with cara, i headed back to hair and makeup. i don't really pay much attention while i'm in hair in make up. i'm either too tired to speak and end up taking a nap or i'm going over my lines.

but for some reason my hands were shaking and i couldn't focus on much else besides those blindingly beautiful blue eyes of his.


i quickly looked up from off the ground. "hmm? oh sorry, i was just-"

my hairdresser, olive, looked at me, one eyebrow raised. "nervous?"

"why has everyone been asking me that today?"
i breathed, letting my hands collapse on the armrests of the chair.

"because," he chuckled. "you look fucking nervous."

i shook my head and sighed. "well i'm not. i promise. are we done here?" olive nodded, a huge grin spread across his face. "alright. well, i'm off then."


my pigtails swayed from side to side as i paced back and forth, waiting for jared to show. i'd been waiting for ten minutes already, going over my lines.

cara and olive's question had eachoed in my brain for the minutes passing and i had begun to think: am i really nervous? i hadn't been earlier..had i? if i was could i truly blame myself for it? i mean jared is insanely attractive.

his eyes were an exact replica of the sky on a warm, spring day. his mouth was quite thin, but the smile that it hid could light up a city all on it's own. and his body...it was as if he was perfectly sculpted to perfection by picasso himself.

the click-clacking of my heels came to a halt.

"hello, doll." he purred.

"jared.." i gasped.

he smiled at me, his metal teeth glaring away. he looked pasty as the joker himself. the classic red lips and green hair made it hard to believe that there was a beautiful man underneath all the make up.

but the clown prince of crime himself was quite the stunner. his suit fit him rather tight in all the right places. he looked like a twisted fantasy i'd love to get lost in.

"how do i look?" he smiled.

my mouth formed an 'o' and i struggled to find appropriate words to describe his rather prepossessing appearance. "you look great!" i exclaimed.

jared took my hands in his and pulled me close enough so that only i could hear his hypnotic voice. "don't be nervous. you're a great actress," he pulled away from my ear and looked me in the eyes. his hand cupped my face. i could his feel his breath on my mouth. "i
believe in you."

he grinned at me and walked off to the set.

i couldn't process what had just happened fast enough. my chest fluttered and my hands became clammy and sweaty. even dressed insane with make up that didn't even make jared look like jared, he swept me off my feet and made my knees weak.

whatever it was that the just did to me, i wanted more. i needed more.

and i plan to get more.

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