Spark purposely mispronounce names

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(Inspired by a tweet)

-In the morning-
Spark: Morning Bleach!
Blanche: ... Did u just called me Bleach?
Spark: Yeah, *sips coffee* whatchu' gonna do about it Bleach?
Blanche: Nothing, Im just gonna continue to read my book and drink my coffee. So, how many eggs do you have, Spurk?
Spark: 9, how about you? Blank.
Candela: *puts the food on the table* Would you guys stop? Its 8 in the morning and we need to get ready.
Spark: Shut up Candle.
Candela: The name is Candela, not candle!
Spark: Your team is fire type sooo...-
Candela: Spark please stop
Spark: Okay fine, youre right chandelier. We need to get ready. *stands up* Im gonna get ready,
Spark: oh and Bleach, what book are you reading? Looks interesting, *walks to bathroom*

Candela and Blanche:

Spark: *shouts from the bathroom* ARE YOU TRIGGERED?!?

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Spark: *shouts from the bathroom* ARE YOU TRIGGERED?!?

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