Chapter Nineteen: Forgiveness

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Later that night I went up to bed early, not wanting to stay around Chris. I was furious with him, but I couldn't tell him that. I shut the door and curled into a ball on the bed, pulling the sheets over me and squeezing my eyes shut. I tried to think about anyone but Chris, but it wasn't working that well since his scent filled the bed. I bit the pillow and shook away the intruding thoughts of him that were entering my mind. I finally began to doze off, my thoughts resting on Katherine and whether or not she had let Adam turn her yet.


"Miranda." a soft voice said, pulling me out of my sleep.

"Hm?" I asked, still struggling to wake up.

"I'm sorry for what happened today." Chris mumbled in my ear as he kissed the back of my neck. When I felt his warm chest against my back, my eyes snapped wide open. I wasn't wearing a shirt...or a bra, for that matter.

"C-Chris." I said, yawning as I tried to push him off me.

"Let me make it up to you." he whispered as he ignored my words and continued to plant soft kisses on my shoulderblades. I shook my head and feebly attempted to push him away, not that it worked.

"What's wrong?" he asked in a slightly hurt tone. Good, he should be hurt. If he was taking away my rights to be alone and talk to my friends, then I would deny him what he most desperately wanted right now. I wasn't going to sleep with him. Not tonight.

"I don't wanna." I complained, smacking his hand when it made its way up to my breast.

"Miranda." he said in a pleading voice, his bulge pressing against me through his boxers. I smirked and then grabbed my shirt, rolling out of his reach as I slid off the bed.

"What are you doing?" he asked incredulously, not understanding why I was avoiding him.

"I just don't want to." I repeated, observing his reaction carefully. He was still confused, and I knew why. It was unnatural for someone to reject their mate, and it was tearing me up inside because I so desperately wanted him right now. So maybe I wasn't just punishing him right now. I was also punishing myself. How wonderful. Chris reached out to drag me back into him, but I snatched my arm away and backed up, never breaking eye contact with him as I reached the doorway. Then, before he could say anything, I was darting into the hallway and sprinting over to the guest room. I slammed the door and then dove onto the soft mattress that didn't smell like Chris. I let out a loud groan from how much my heart hurt. It had taken every ounce of my willpower to simply ignore his seductive touches and escape the room. Now my body tingled with need for him, but I bit my lip and tried to ignore it. Seconds later, the door opened and before I knew what was happening my wrists were pinned down to the bed as he hovered over me. I was about to speak, but his lips were on mine, silencing me.

"I know you want to." he said between his rough and demanding kisses. I was silent as a war raged within myself. Should I let him, or should I keep trying to resist?

Keep trying to resist. I decided, bringing my hands up to his bare chest. I meant to push him away, but his chest was so firm and smooth and... my thoughts were cut off when he pressed his lips to my neck. His hips pressed into mine and I felt how much his hardness had grown. I squeezed my eyes shut and concentrated on not letting a noise slip out, but I failed. I felt Chris press his body closer to mine until there was no space between us. When he heard my breathless moan his breathing sped up. His lips moved to my neck, kissing it softly as his lips hovered by my ear.

"I'm sorry Miranda. Please forgive me." He breathed as his hands tightened on my wrists. He pulled away slightly to look in my eyes, but with his face that close, yet so out of reach, it was undeniable. I leaned up and crushed my lips to his, laying back down as I brought him down with me. He chuckled softly at my defeat in trying to deny him.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked in a pleading tone, nipping at my earlobe. In my peripheral vision I saw him removing his boxers.

"Y-Yes" I said breathlessly, awaiting what was to come.


I woke up disoriented and confused. This wasn't the normal room I slept in, was it? I rubbed my eyes and looked around, realizing with a jolt that this was the guest bedroom. I attempted to sit up, but a strong arm tightened around my waist. I looked down and saw Chris sleeping next to me, and then the memories crashed down on me like a tsunami. I felt my cheeks redden, at first from embarrassment, and then in anger. He knew what he was doing when he woke me up half-naked. He knew he could use my attraction to him to bribe me into forgiveness. But now that he wasn't awake and tempting me, I felt furious. That wasn't fair at all, and I decided that I still hadn't forgiven him. When I got mad, I was definitely able to hold a grudge. Holding a grudge against Chris might be a little tricky, but I could manage it. Besides, I couldn't stand the fact that he was the alpha and he had the ability to ban me from doing certain things, or talking to certain people. It just wasn't fair. I grasped his arm in my hand and unwound it from my body, causing his eyes to open instantly.

"Miranda?" He asked sleepily. I turned away and wildly searched the floor for my clothes. His arms wrapped around my waist from behind and he kissed the back of my neck.

"What's wrong?" He asked gently. My heart sped up and I darted from his lap when I spotted my clothes. Being naked in his lap right now wasn't really going to help solve anything. I ran out of the room and into the bathroom, getting dressed in private and then sitting down on the lid of the toilet, burying my face in my arms. I concentrated on slowing my heart rate, and stopping all the thoughts and memories of Chris that were currently flooding my mind. I couldn't deal with this.

When I finally walked out of the bathroom, he was standing in the middle of the hallway, leaning against a wall. And he was still shirtless.

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Put a shirt on." I snapped, spinning around and darting downstairs. I reached the couch and flopped onto it, my anger flooding through me. I hated being here, I hated being part of his pack, I hated being a werewolf, I hated being his mate, but... I couldn't hate him. And that just made me hate everything else even more. I gave a frustrated sigh and glared at him as he descended the stairs.

"I thought you forgave me." He reminded me, his face confused.

"At the time I did, but it's different when you're not bribing me with things." I growled angrily. I felt my canines sharpen in my mouth and I bit down on my lip, giving a little squeak of shock as I tasted blood. I felt my body shaking from how much I hated everything right now.

"Calm down." He ordered, and I saw his eyes glowing.

"No! I don't want to be ordered around by you, and I'm not going to be babysat by you either!" I shouted, running out the back door and into the woods. As much as I didn't want to phase into wolf form right now,
I had no choice. I would be able to run faster, and I didn't want Chris catching me.

I hit the ground on all fours, streaking through the woods like a bullet. I heard Chris phase somewhere in the back of my mind, because I could feel his presence in my thoughts.

David, stop her. His voice said in my mind. Huh? I looked around in confusion but before I knew it a black wolf leapt out of the forest and I was pinned on my back, with him hovering over me. I looked around to see five other wolves slip out of the trees and circle us. I whimpered and then struggled to escape as I saw Chris walk out of the trees. He nodded for David to go join the circle and then Chris walked over to me, crouching down so we were eye to eye.

I don't want you to feel like I'm controlling you. I'm sorry if it seems like that, but... The truth is I don't want you getting hurt. I see no harm in Katherine, but Adam could hurt you. You have to understand how protective I am of you. He said, growling affectionately as he nipped at my ear. I whined as I stood up and he touched his muzzle to mine, his warm fur brushing up against me.

Forgive me, for real this time. He pleaded softly. I sighed and nodded, knowing that what he said was true. He wasn't trying to control me, but that was just how I felt. I wasn't used to being ordered around, and it was different. I respected his decision, but in my mind I knew there was a way I could still talk with Katherine. He only said he was afraid of Adam hurting me, so in order to talk to Katherine I would just make sure Adam didn't find out about it. He would never know. And neither would Chris.


A/N yeah, prepare for shorter chapters, especially during the week :/ the reason is school, and homework, as always. But hope you enjoyed the update and comment your thoughts on how you feel about Chris' protective instincts to keep her away from Adam.

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