Talking with Telepathy

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Drake's P.O.V.

I woke up and went into the shark tank to clean the glass. I don't really talk much and I have had a dark past though it is not the darkest past I know of. My old friend Armen has a very dark past. He hides it very well. He hides that he saw his brother kill his parents. He hides it behind a smile. I have heard some of the new eights have dark past too. I saw Tiffany walk in and I remember what she showed me in the fear that she struck me with. It showed Armen and Grayson dead. I had to protect them. Especially Armen. He is basically a younger brother to me. She told me she wouldn't hurt them if I joined. I still remember the looks on there faces. They were fighting Tiffany since she shot a bolt of fear at Grayson. I looked at her and nodded. She cackled and made a portal of fear. She walked through and I put my head down in shame. I walked through and now I'm here. She is not the Tiff I used to know. She has killed people and I don't know why. The only thing I know is that she has aquaphobia, the fear of water. I was looking through the shark tank when I saw that in the reflection of mine Tiffany had a terrified look on her face. I hurried over looking like I just came in the door and saw what she was scared of. It was a small crack in the glass that the shark caused. I used my powers and the glass fixed itself. Tiffany wants the water eight on our side and I know why. I go out of the room. I go and stand next to a moniter that is connected to the top of the castle, looking for any suspicious activity. Everything looked normal. Tiffany burst in the room looking like she was being strangled and said something that I could hardly understand. "Drake, Im not controlling my body." It sent shivers down my spine and I was really confused. What was going on? I saw Tiffany blink and I swear that for a split second her irises turned into the fear symbol then went back to normal. She walked off and I stood there confused. I went to my own room and layer down on the bed. I concentrate on an image of Armen that I have in my head and I can now see out of his eyes. He doesn't know I'm there and I'm not there to spy. I'm only there to help. Today will be a bit different. "Armen, its me Drake. Tiffany did something really weird today and I wanted to warn you and tell you that I will always be with you, no matter what." Armen was in his room studying a book about swordfighting when I started speaking. "Wait! Drake! Why did you leave!" I heard Armen say to himself in his mind. "I can't use to much more power. I have to go, bye Armen." "No Drake! Don't go!" Armen yelled in his mind. I stood up and went out to the Kitchen. I see Tiffany talking with some solders. "Did you see anything suspicious?" She asks him. "No Ma'am" he says back. She is trying to get an army of eights and trying to find the secret location of the Scavengers. I saw an ant and I decided to find it myself. I picked the ant up and went back into my room. I concentrated on the ant and I saw my surroundings grow and grow. I had possessed the ant. I had been birds before but I have never been an ant. I also possessed and Enderman though it was teleporting at the exact same moment so I am now half Enderman. I walked around my room a bit to get used to everything and I walked to the door. I was small enough to fit under the door so I did so and I started to crawl off. I saw Tiffany and I made a quick escape. I got to the outside after a very long treck and I started to walk up a hill. I saw a small sapling. I am going to climb up it to get a better view. I want to find the Scavengers so I can talk to Armen and Grayson. I was looking around the sapling for a foothold when I saw a button on the sapling. I pressed the button and the sapling grew. There was an entrance to an elevator in the tree so I crawled onto it and it went down. The tree turned back into a sapling. When we got all the way down I saw Grayson and Armen standing guard. I stood in the corner of the room where the cameras couldn't see me and I transformed back to my normal self. I got the ant and placed it in a small plastic container in my pocket. "Psst, Armen, Grayson" I whisper yelled. I saw Armen turn around in surprise and Grayson turn around in a battle stance. "I'm not here to hurt you. I want to talk to you" I whispered. I saw Grayson's face relax and I also saw some relief in his eyes. I looked at him straight in the eyes. "Thank god I didn't have to fight him" was what I heard. When I look at people right in the eyes I can read there minds. I flashed a smile and I motioned them to come towards me. "Guys Tiffany is acting weird. I don't know what is going on but you might want to watch out" I told them. "Why did you leave us Drake?" Armen asked. "I had to or else Tiffany would hurt you guys" I explain. They nod in understanding. Any of us would do anything to save each other. "I have to go back before Tiffany notices I'm gone. Bye" I told the guys. I took the plastic jar out of my pocket and opened it. I placed it down on the floor and once the ant crawled out I picked it up. I waved and stared at the ant. Everything in the room was growing and finally I was ant sized. I made the huge treck back to my room and grew back to my normal size. I put the ant away in the plastic container. I walked out of my room and saw Tiffany holding her head. She looked like she was in pain. I dont know what to do. She went back to normal and started walking down the hallway. I need to read her mind.

Thank you for reading and don't forget to...........





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