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Hey guys so this is the first chapter of The Gladiators of the Virus! Since this is just the prologue I'm not going to reveal anyone's gladiators yet but well you'll see!😉 Anyway enjoy!!

It was a day like any other in sector A410. The sister planets of Krypton and Argon have been at peace for several thousand years without any sign of trouble. The people rejoiced as today was Noble Day a holiday that celebrates the end of a war that divided Krypton and Argon over a thousand years ago. This holiday is celebrated with happiness and joy for the bravery of two heroes, one from each planet, who gave their lives so that both planets could live together in peace and harmony. Little did both planets know that history was about to repeat itself.

It appeared as a dark looming shadow in the sky on Krypton for that was the planet that the holiday was being celebrated on for that year (they switch every year). It was obviously a ship but no one knew who it belonged to or better yet who would interrupt a holiday such as this. And then it happened.

It came out of nowhere but three beings appeared in the sky. All of them seemed almost mystical yet evil at the same time as malice filled their blood red eyes. The people of both Krypton and Argon looked on the beings in fear wondering why they were here and what they were going to do to them. Then the beings spoke in unison.

"People of Krypton and Argon, your time to pay retribution to the Virus has come." The people of said planets started to panic as everyone knew the horrors of the Virus.  The Queen of Krypton stepped forward and said "And what makes you think you can do this to us?!" The beings narrowed their eyes in anger and yelled "We are the creators of the Virus and for your insolence your planets will suffer as the Virus consumes them!!!" The people now screamed in fear but the rulers of both planets would not have it.

"Please!! Spare our planets. We will do anything to keep our people safe! Whatever you wish you shall have!!" The King of Argon begged desperately. The Virus Creators looked between each other and then back at the rulers. That's when they saw the two princesses huddled close to their mothers even though they were about 12 years old. The Creators then smiled evilly. "We want the princesses of both planets and we will take nothing less. If you do not give them to us your planets will fall to the Virus!!!"

The Queens hugged their daughters closer while the Kings stepped in front of them protectively. "We will never let you take our daughters!" The Kryptonian King yelled. "We rather die with the Virus!!" The King of Argon continued. At this the two princesses looked at each other with fear evident in their eyes but then they pushed away from their mothers and walked in front of their fathers. "We will go with you." The red haired Kryptonian princess said. They then bowed to the Creators as the raven haired Argonian princess added "It would be an honor to give out lives to save our planets." The Virus Creators smiled evilly "Excellent." Then in a puff of smoke they were gone along with the two young princesses never to be seen again.

Six years later in sector E942 (Earth)...

The Supernoobs were fighting Count Venamus, again. "You won't win Venamus!" Tyler yelled as he fired his blaster at him which Venamus easily dodged. He then smiled evilly and said "I wouldn't be so sure about that Supernoobs." Then his minions came up behind them and took their battleballs leaving them defenseless. Luckily Tyler was able to contact Mem and Zen before hand.

And right on cue Mem and Zen appeared in a flash already having their blasters armed and ready. "Noobs stay back!" Mem yelled. "We'll handle this!" Zen added. But before they could even fire one shot Venamus pressed a button on his suit disabling all of their weapons including their battleballs. "That's impossible!" Memnock yelled shocked.

Venamus chuckled "Like my new emp ray. A little gift from the good people of Argon. Now how bout a little taste of Krypton." Before any of the gang could react Venamus pulled out a blaster and shot them knocking them out.

Before they succumbed to the darkness they heard Venamus laugh evilly and said "Looks like I've won!!"

And that's it!! Pretty great right. Sorry that it was short but it was the prologue and I promise the next chapter will be a lot longer. Anyway like and comment and tell me what you think!!! I'm going to be writing this in third person cuz I've never tried this style before and decided to try it. And I promise the gladiators will definitely be in the next chapter!! Again tell me what you guys think!! Bye!!!😉

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