Chapter Seventeen

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"Four hundred ninety-two, four hundred ninety-three, four hundred ninety-four, four hundred ninety-five..." you murmured.

You had gotten so unreasonably bored that you resorted to counting continuously. You weren't counting anything in particular, simply just counting. Just for the hell of it.

"Five hundred." You exhaled, closing your eyes.

By now, counting nothing had gotten old. All the way up to five-hundred. So you just lay on your cot, with your eyes closed lightly. Your solitude was disrupted by the heavy pounding of boots.

"Alright prisoners! Time to work!" A loud voice bounced around the vacant corridors.

You sprang up off the cot, standing tall as a few guards came and unlocked your cell. One grabbed both your wrists and held them behind your back, the others unlocking other cells.

The guard kicked your ankles lightly and you started walking. You kept your eyes locked to the ground, focusing on your toes that came into view every so often.

Time to work.
Oh yeeshus I haven't updated in over a month. Sorry for such a horribly boring filler chapter! It's also not even 200 words long...that was a pathetic chapter. Sorry again, next chapter WILL be longer! Maybe I can get it up before October? Don't count on it, I'm not making any promises. XD

Stay awesome my fellow crazies!

Something Crazy (Jane the Killer x Reader) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now