,,Hi guys. So today we will work on bounding with eacothers. You'll pick a person who is opposite gender and you two will be partners through whole year. When you're done picking you will come here to tell me your name and name of your partner. And if you don't have schedule, come here and I will give you one.''- he sat behind his desk and started to write something. What? Partner? Opposite gender? Bounding? World is ending! I started to panic when I heard familiar raspy voice.

,,I'm sorry I'm late.''- I followed voice and I saw no one else than Harry.

,,It's okay. Today you will pick a person who is opposite gender and you'll be partenrs through whole year. When you pick just let me know your name and name of your partner.''- professor spoke to him and a little smirk appeared on his face. I know exactly what is on his mind.

,,Okay.''- he simply responded and went to his usual seat. I can feel his eyes on me but I'm not going to look at him. Or be a partner with him.

,,Hey, would you.''- the drooling guy started to ask but I cut him before he could finish.

,,No.''- I said not even looking at him. Everybody are talking to each others and they are going to sign in professors book. Only Harry and I are sitting in our seat. When they were done they sat down and professor stood up to tell something.

,,Okay. So I have your names but two are missing. Who doesn't have a partner?''- professor looked around classroom. I turned around just to see Harry with his hand rose up. I guess I need to behave well because we are on the class but if we weren't I would cut his hand off. I rose my hand because I know that I need to have a good grade and I really want to love this class. But I apparently can't.

,,Okay so you two will be partners.''- I quickly stood up from my seat.

,,What? I don't want him as my partner!''- I argued with professor. Harry is just sitting there, quiet as a mouse. What is wrong with him?

,,I'm sorry darlin' but you two are the only ones without a partner and you are opposite gender so it's set.''- I sat down beacuse I have nothing to say. This is my third day on college and I already hate it. I looked at Harry and he is smirking. I rolled my eyes and I'm back on our professor.

,,I'm going to need your names. What is your name dear?''- professor asked with the notebook and pen in his hands.

,,Sophia Reed.''- I said under my breath. He wrote my name than he turned his attention to Harry.

,,And yours?''- Harry looked at me and smiled.

,,Harry Styles.''- he said still looking at me. I hate this guy.

,,So with this our class is over. Tomorrow we're officially starting our Drama classes. And I'll repeat, come and get your schedules. Goodbye everyone!''- professor said and I quickly grabed schedule from his hands. I was on my way out when I felt somebody's hand on my wrist. When I turned around Harry is standing only two feet away from me. I snapped my hand ot of his.

,,Don't. Touch me.''- I said while giving him a warning glare.

,,So, partners huh?''- he saked with smirk.

,,You think I enjoy this?''- I asked a little louder. He is laughing now. This guy has some serious issues.

,,What is so funny?''- I'm annoyed. Really fucking annoyed!

,,Nothing, I just think you're really cute when you're annoyed.''- he stopped laughing when he saw that I'm staring at him like I'm gona kill him any minute.

,,Look, I know that you don't like me or anyone else but I think this could work. We are already on a bad terms and being partners will maybe help.''- he continued with a small smile. Yeah, we are on a bad terms but I think this will just make it worse.

,,Okay, let me explain something to you. We are maybe partners on this class but beside this class we are nothing. And I don't need help with anything. You don't understand this or will ever so just give up, okay?''- I explained it to him with my most serious voice.

,,Okay.''- he smirked at me and I know that he won't give up. I need to stay away from him but something always set us together. And I hate it. I just walked away from him pretty annoyed.

,,I'll see you around!''- he shouted to me. No, you won't. I didn't even bother to look at him. I need some air and maybe I could skip the rest of my classes. I just don't feel like going on them. I'll go back to my room to take some money and I can go to explore the city. But then I remembered Johannah and her parents. I texted her if I can go to our room and waited for an answer. After minute my phone buzzed.

*You can go, we're in city for a lunch.*

I went to our room when my phone buzzed again. When I looked at screen Jo's name is on it.

*P.S. Everything is going well ;)*

I smiled at message and put my I-phone back in my pocket. When I entered the room I glanced at clock and it's only noon. I have whole day free. Good. I took some money and locked our room. When I was on parking lot I heard someone calling my name.

,,Sophia, girl!''- when I turned around I saw Louis and Liam walking toward me.

,,Hey guys.''- I smiled at them.

,,Where are you going?''- Liam asked me. He is such a nosey.

,,I'm going to explore the city.''

,,Alone?''- Liam asked with worry in his eyes. This guy is like my mom in male's body.

,,Yes, alone. And don't worry I can take care of myself.''- I assure him and he smiled.

,,Okay, so we'll see you tonight?''- Louis asked with smile. What's tonight? It was like he read my mind when he said. ,,Tonight is a party in frathouse.''

Well I could use some fun after this whole situation with Harry. But what if he will be there? I can't hide forever. Or at all. I'll stick to my girls and it will be fine.

,,Yeah, I'll come.''- I smiled at them and they left when we said our goodbyes. Okay, so...where should I start? I need some clothes for parties and that means only one. Shopping. I found some stores and cute clothes. Well, my definition of cute. While I was shopping I saw part of London. It's really beautiful city, full of life and expectations. When I glanced at cloock on my phone it's already six. I need to go back to campus and get ready for party.

A/N: So they're partners huh? And another party?

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