Playing With Chance - Chapter 3

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He looked at me without the usual disbelief, much to my annoyance, and pulled the stickers out of one of his pockets, "Nope.  I decided that I would be a big boy, and share them with you."

That was unexpected.

"How very kind of you, but I got them for you, and I wouldn't want to take any of them."

He is participating in my game as if he knew how the rules worked.  Nobody has ever done that before.  Well except for Elliot, but Elliot was specail.  Most of the time they just got annoyed, and never talked to me again.

"But my mommy said that sharing was nice."

He might be the first person I've come across that was a worthy opponent.  Not even Elliot figured it out this fast.  This was going to make my game that much more fun.

"Ah but that is with the other kids.  I am much happier to watch you play with them yourself."

He pouted at me, and it gave him the cutest, almost boyish look, to his usually hot features.  I'm sure that any other girl would have given in and admited defeat, but I was better at this game then that.

"Now Prick, you can't pout at me everytime I don't want to play with you.  That is childish, and you know better.  Besides I don't want to have to take a way your gold star.  Again."

He got an alarmed look on his face.  I knew it was fake, but it was a very good fake.

"No, don't take it away again!"

That really was good. 

I knew he was worth my time.

"I won't take your sticker away, but you can't pout at me when I tell you something.  Good kids don't pout."

He looked down and said, "I know.  It won't happen again."

I guess he doesn't know all the rules.  He hasn't really tried to make me mad enought to storm away, or left me as the obvous loser for another reason.  I hope he tries.  It's no fun when they learn that it is all a game, but not how it is won.


His tactics can't be to play into what I do though.  That would make it so he never wins.

I didn't find out if he had other tactics up his sleeve at lunch, and neither of us won that round.

It is not good to have draws, but since neither of us talked for the rest of lunch, and we sat peacefully side by side you can't really say it was anything other then a draw.

As annoying as it was to me, I couldn't think of anything to hit him with, and it didn't look like he was trying to get me back.

I might need to think of a new way to play my game.  I'm sure I'll think of something later.

When I got home I was slightly frustrated.  I still hadn't thought of a new angle to play from.

I could always ask Elliot.  

Ya Elliot would be a great person to ask.  He is very familiar with the rules of my game.

I went up to my room and sat on my bed.

Pulling out my phone I sent a quick text.

"Hey Elliot, you remember the game I played with you for the first week I knew you right?"

"Of course I remember.  Those were some really fun times.  Why?"

"I need help playing that game with this kid at my new school."

I knew the response I would get for that and I wasn't disappointed.

"You need help playing the game!!!??"

"I know.  I've never needed it before but this kid is good."

"What are you working now?"

"I've been treating him like a little kid."

"Anything else you've tried?"

"For the first round I did the totally bored thing while calling him names."

"What happened to make the act stop working?"

"I don't know.  He disappeared for a week and when he came back he started to accept the role I gave him and didn't react when I used it."

"Strange.  Do you think he will come up with his own rules?"

"I don't know."

"Well I don't think I can help you but I'm sure you will think of something."

"Too bad."

"So other then this kid, how is school going?"

I smiled at my phone and started to tell him about school.  How the people treated me, were the teachers being nice, have I gotten lost yet?

It felt good to talk to him again, and once he was done quizzing me on my new school I asked him how he was doing without me, and we ended up making plans for him to come down next time he had even the smallest break.

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