Is kissing the answer ??

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I could feel my heart beat faster I had only kissed George before and that was when we were 8 and he was practicing on me, I suppose it was practice for me too but i never thought I would be using this practice on Ben. I never thought that I would even end up at Ben's house for a party !

'Ella ....' my heart jumped Ben was looking into my eyes and slowing pulling me in closer to his waist I could feel his muscles tense. I knew he wasn't as nervous as me, but he was still a little on edge his breathing began to speed up.

The moment our lips touched I felt weak, not only physically but mentally I had completely fallen for him, his dark brown eyes his muscular chest his rough hands and most of all his deep voice

I felt something pulling on my dress , when I opened my eyes I saw George staring at me, his eyebrows were raised and he was now crossing his arms. I pulled away from Ben feeling completely embarrassed that George had caught us kissing.

'oh.....Shit......'Ben had finally opened his eyes and realizing it was George he started to stutter and forget how to speak.

George just grabbed my arm, all i could do was look back at Ben , who was winking and licking his lips at me, and prepare myself for what George had to say about the situation.

Even though George and I were only friends he was always jealous as soon as a guy was interested in me, because even though i wasn't popular i did had something going for me that guys always fell for.

 But even when I did get asked on dates George always told me that they weren't good enough for me or that I shouldn't date guys like them. I also had this perfect kiss in mind and didn't want to kiss the wrong guy. I suppose I brought on myself that I had only kissed one guy and hadn't really had a proper boyfriend.

We were walking up to Georges car after he pulled me out of the house. What was he going to say..? my mind started to wonder and leave my body.

'Why him Ella.......whats this gonna do to Ben and my friendship....?' George's words hit me hard. All i wanted to say was that i wasn't thinking and I'm sorry but i wasn't going to let myself back down to George.

'Listen I know he is your best friend and i should of asked-'george cut me off.

'Stop making up excuses for him.......' I was confused what was George even saying ? 'I will talk to him later but remember that we are friends and he is NOT gonna come between us..........maybe its best if you don't date him...'I felt so angry all I wanted to do was lash out at George how could he tell me not to date my crush?

I looked up George had pulled over and was staring into my eyes ' Ella......' George reached over to my cheek. He wasn't about to kiss me was he ?

My  phone started to ring. George pulled away when his phone started to ring too.

'Hello, am listen Ella I don'tknow how anyone got a picture of us.... I'm sorry i should of taken you somewhere less public can we meet up tomorrow...?' Ben seemed really sorry and i could just imagine his head in his hand, but what picture was he talking about. George pulled at me againg and shoved his phone in my hand I suddenly dropped my  phone. Tears started to build up in my eyes some one had gotten a picture of Ben and i kissing and written over 'whats George gonna say ?'  

I felt so humiliated George picked up my phone and said something to Ben before hanging up.He started the car up again and began to drive to his house. George would keep looking at me and then tighten his grip on the steering wheel. I had not only humiliated my self but also George everyone knew how close we were and they knew that even though we were only friends we never date other people and spent most of our time together.

By the time we got to Georges house I had fallen into a light sleep. I felt George pick me up and carry me to him room. I opened my eyes to find George leaving his room again. When he came back he had my bag and a tray full of food and water. I may be skinny but i ate alot.

I sat up on Georges bed. I wiped the tears from my eyes and began ' George I'm so sorry, I am just going to tell you the truth. don't say anything until I'm finished ......okay ?' He nodded and began to eat his slice of pizza ' I have had a small crush on Ben for a while and I went up to him at the party to ask where the bathroom was....' I just remembered that i still hadn't gone ''When I went to ask him he was a little tipsy and started to ask me questions and then he brought me in for a kiss and then i felt weak and i didn't stop him...... I like him George and i am meeting up with him tomorrow to talk.....okay?' George was silent he started to stare into my eyes. He put down his pizza and drank some water.

'Ella..' he was speaking in the tone that he was speaking in, in the car ' If you don't want this then stop me' he put his forehead next to mine and then pulled me onto his lap i was now straddling him and this rush and urge came over me. His lips were so soft he began at my neck and worked up to my lips. It was then when he pulled me down I was now lying on him. We were making out, I was making out with my bestfriend and the worst thing was it was amazing. 'I've liked you for ages...' George softly whispered into my ear. What was he saying ? I had never felt an attraction to George but in this moment i remember every time he dressed in front of me i remember every time i saw him topless i started to have an........ orgasm.

George realized what he was doing to me and totally took advantage of me in the most amazing way possible ,he started to undress me. 'Stop....George I like it but not tonight I need time to think'

'Sorry you just make me crazy...' I got off George and we both stayed lying on him bed until hunger rushed over me when I remembered i hadn't eaten since breakfast and it was now  2.a.m. ' I'm sorry Ella I just wanted to show you your options before you got with Ben again' I looked at him and I was happy, nothing had changed i started to laugh and flop around on his bed.

He burst out laughing too he came up to me and took my hand. We stood up. While he walked over to his iPhone, I put my pizza. I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around to find George with his hand out. We began to dance I put my head on his shoulder and started to cry 'Whatever happens we stay friends, George..... 'I looked up at him he was thinking and didn't hear a word i just said but it didn't matter because i knew he was thinking the same thing.

After a while we both fell to our knees and laughed.


'Yeah' he rolled towards me and started to lye on his side.

'You are an amazing kisser.....' I laughed a bit when he started to mess with his hair and become really proud of himself.

'So are you....'He leaned over to kiss me again but before our lips could touch my phone started to beep

Ben: Hey, can't syop thinking about your amazing lips ;) <3

George  grabbed my phone before I had a chance to reply. ' Come on you can text him later.....'

He looked at me with a mischievous grin and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, he cleared off his bed threw me on it and jump on top of me. he laughed a little, but his next words were nothing to laugh about ' Have you had enough time to think.....'

I couldn't resist i need to kiss him again I brought him down to my chest and whispered in him ear 'Yes'


Hope you guys like it please comment 'team George' or 'Team Ben'.  In the next chapter you will findout more about Ben and how Ella is going to deat with the whole situation !!!! please comment, vote and follow me. Anything just to get the story a bit more popular!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2013 ⏰

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