15 Facts Tag!

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I was tagged by watermixedwithfire to do this tag thingy. I said that I would do it when I had WiFi next cos I wanted to put some real thought into it, but I'll have WiFi for the next hour or so, so here ya go!

1. I have two piercings in each of my ears. (In my culture it's common for girls to get a bunch of piercings. I got my first two holes when I was 6 months old, and my second holes were from when I turned a teenager. I plan on getting a third hole in a year, and a nose piercing when I get married.)

2. When it's time for me to get a house, I'm gonna buy a plot of land in one of those simple and boring neighborhoods where everything is identical and all of the houses are super plain, and I'll build a super elegant Victorian-style home just to piss everyone off XD. (I'm evil, I know.)

3. I am super talkative and annoying once I get to know you... (just ask DomiDot!)


5. I wear glasses, and my prescription is actually really terrible. I'm almost legally blind... but I don't think that I'll ever get contacts. I look so stupid without my glasses lol. (Sometimes if it's nighttime and I'm going somewhere in a car, I'll take off my glasses and all of the lights look like fireworks because of my horrible eyesight. It's actually really calming, and it helps me sleep for whatever reason.)

6. My two goals in life are to: 1-travel the world, since I love discovering new cultures. And 2-make a difference in people's lives, even if it only means making them happy for a short time. I love when someone comments on my story "this made me laugh so hard" or "I was having a bad day until I saw that you updated" or something like that. That feeling for me is amazing, and it always makes me feel awesome.


7. Okay, the above didn't count as a fact (even though it's true.) So here's a real fact about me: I can be either super serious or super goofy at times, which you can probably tell from this whole tag. Because like, at one second I'll be like "LOLOLOL CHICKENZ" acting all immature or whatever and the next moment I'll be like "Bro we are living on a floating rock in the middle of an endless universe. Why are we not freaking out?" Like WHOA THERE, WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?! XD

8. I SHIP JOEYSHINE #SORRYNOTSORRY (If you know what im talking about, I love you.)

9. I've enjoyed fanfics with GraTsu in them, but I would never ship them. Like... no. Not happening. Sorry, but not in a million years. (Sorry if you ship them. But then again, if you did, you probably wouldn't be reading my stories because they have GrUvia and NaLu.)

10. I'm being Levy for Halloween, and it'll be the first time that I'm dressing up as an anime character. It's gotten me even more excited for Halloween, if possible (^_^)!

11. I LOVE SWORD ART ONLINE OKAY #NOSHAME (It was my first anime, so it will always hold a special place in my heart.)

12. I actually started watching anime because I wanted to learn how to draw it, but I do more watching than drawing nowadays XD.

13. I never plan out my chapters ahead of time, I kinda just write down what comes to me and BAM-new chapter. I sometimes have to look back on previous chapters so I don't miss out any important details, which can get annoying. But I think that it's easier this way.

14. I love basketball but I'm like super terrible at it. To make matters worse, I don't like any other sport #Thestruggleisreal.

15. I act as crazy in public and in school as I do online (which is pretty crazy lol). Like, tbh if you don't like the way that I act, then that's your problem. I'm not going to change myself in order to fit your boring and unrealistic expectations of what I should be.

Okay so... there's that! I'll tag the following:


Idk how many people I was supposed to tag, so I just tagged ten lol. I hope this helped you to get to know me better!

See y'all with the next update! <3


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