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I woke up to my alarm and followed my routine and then started for work. I will travel by office vehicle from next week so till then i am on my own. I reached office on time and started my work. I met karan during lunch he is a nice guy, i like the way he treats me. Today he introduced me to his friend Rajeev, who was shamelessly flirting with girls.though he seems to b nice but I don't like guys who flirt with every girl.

When we were done at office Karan asked me if he could drop me home but as i have to go meet Mr. James's sister today I declined karan's offer.
When I went out Mr. james was already standing and was having a conversation with the watchmen it looks as if they know each other but how is that possible, I walked towards him.
"Hello Mr. James, looks like you are well worse with people here."
"Hello Miss samantha! Yeah you can say that." He was not giving me much information but I didn't push much
"Let start I have a wedding to attend in the evening, so the sooner we start the earliest I can go for it."
"As you like ma'am." What is with him calling me ma'am it make me feel older.

I opened back door of the car and sat, james came and opened the door looking at me as if suddenly I have grown two heads. "I do call you ma'am but I'm not your driver that you are sitting at the back." He was close enough to invade my personal space so I just backed off and said "I am fully aware of it sir but I cannot sit in front seat with you its for your family and friends and Iam not any of those."
"Fair point ma'am but I request you to sit in front seat as I don't want to look like a driver." He said so politely that I couldn't say no.
"As you like sir."
Drive to his home was not long from my office but you should see his bungalow it was huge like they show in movies, I was admiring the beauty of this place and did not realise that the car stopped until he came and opened door
Hurrying I got down from the car. Before going to the office this morning, I kept all the things I would need in my bag.

He made me sit in living room saying he would go and see if his sister is ready to meet me. Strange...
"What do you like to have miss?" A very beautiful girl asked me looking at her uniform i think she is a maid
"Thank you for asking but I don't want anything." I said as politely as i want.
"Ok but you can call me if you want anything." She said and left.
"Miss samantha this way please." Said james from no where then I looked around to find him at a corner at my right
I could smell of roses on my way... Nice
Then he opened a door wow it was the most beautiful room I have ever seen live till now.

I could say his sister loves red and white by looking at the room. As I was looking around the room I saw a girl I guess she was only 7years or even less lying on the bed.
"Where is your sister?" I asked james
"Is there any problem with your vision? She is there." He said pointing at the girl I was talking about.
"You got to b kidding me child marriages are illegal as much as i know."
"Look I don't know how to explain you. See you need to make a wedding dress for her. Its not her marriage its her mom and my dads marriage but she wants to look like a bride and as I said you earlier she gets what she wants. My dad and her mom did not allow her so she asked me and I can't say no."
I was looking at him wide eyed and was trying to take everything he said... Its not usual for me to see a 23yr old man being casual about his father getting remarried more over he is doing soo much for his step sister... Awww I wish even I had a brother like him..

"Ok Mr. James" was all I could say.
"James can you please leave us alone, I would like to talk to miss samanethaaa in person."she said in a cute voice and pronounced my name soo weird that it made me laugh but I tried to supress
"Good luck ma'am." He said to me and left. Good luck? But for what.
"Whats your name darling." I asked the girl walking towards her
"First of all Iam not your darling so do not call me that again and I am Eva." She said in lady like manner. Wow she seems to b 7 but surely is not acting 7
"Ok Eva what do you like me to do."
"I want you to make a dress for me which should b newly designed. I should be the centre of attention not my mom every one should admire my dress but they shouldn't have it. You should never make that design ever again. And by ever , I mean forever james will make you sign that contract saying what will happen if you make that design again." She said such a long statement whats wrong with her, she is behaving too odd for a 7yr kid.
I think I should talk about this with james.
"Ok Eva as you say let me take all the measurements that I will need"

It was very difficult to make her talk more that what's needed. If she is stubborn she doesn't know what I am. When I was done with everything I said her bye she replied it back to me. "James make her sign the contract before she go."Eva said James 
She really meant a contract, jesus this girl is giving me a headache. "Yeah sure sweeti." He said while kissing her on her cheeks like I do to my sister,  this reminds me of her. Shit I did not speak to her in morning she asked me to call her at 7. She will be pissed at me now. Oh god

"Miss Samantha. This is the contract read it and sign it."
"I never signed a contract for designing a dress that to for a little girl, may I know what is this all about."
He runs his hand through his hair, nervous I guess but why?
"Well if you don't want to share its ok I am not gonna push you at it."
"This is the way she is. Its not that I know why. I love her too much to deny her anything, I hope you understand, even you have a sister."
"Wow stop their. how do you know that I have a sister, I don't remember saying you anything about my sister."I asked him straight forward
"I always have people checked before I get them home, you know for security purpose." He said not looking into my eyes and running his fingers through his hair which was kind of hot.
"Okay but this contract is still too much I will take it home and will return you when I visit you with my designs." I said firmly.
"Sure ma'am take you time. As i have an important meeting with a client my driver will drop you back."
"Ok bye."I started to walk after he replied

When I was going back home in james car you can't believe who I saw at a coffee shop nearby.
It was Rajeev, karan's friend he was flirting his arse off with a blonde.
This guy really is too much...

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