Chapter 5

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Killian POV 

I sat in my Captain's quarters cleaning my wound from bloody King David punching me. I sighed, thinking about all this bloody time I had spend not knowing about my daughter "Elizabeth" I whisper to myself. Not a day went by that I didn't think about Emma. I keep telling myself I left to give her, her best shot. 

I take a swig of rum, before falling asleep. I wake to the sweet sounds of Emma's voice, I rub my eyes sitting up. At first I thought I was dreaming, she was more beautiful then ever. She was actual wearing the same outfit I had meet her in. "That your running away clothes?" I say, she giggles 'damn that giggle was cute.'

"Can't really call it running away if someone knows where you are" I raise a brow "Neal" I look at her very confused "Long story, but we talked and he told me to find my love, and well here I am" She shyly said. "How can you love me after all this time?" I asked, she moved closer taken a seat next to me. "Because I never really stopped, I just buried those feeling down for so many years. But now I'm ready to let all those feelingd out. I love you Killian." She said cupping my face looking deeply into my eyes. 

"Emma, I'm so sorry" I say, feeling so guilty for leaving her and our daughter. "Killian I understand." And without hesitation she pulls me into a deep passionate kiss, I melt into her never wanting to let go. "God I love you" I say breaking the kiss. "And I love you too" She smiles pulling me down, so I'm hover over her just like the first time. 

"Can we really do this love? What about your family? The kingdom?" I ask, she smiles "Killian, I've lived a lie these passed 16 years. I don't care what they all think anymore. I want my happy ending and I'm not letting anyone stop me" And with those finial words she pulled me down to her lips as we made love once again, loving each and every part of each others bodies. No one had ever compared to Emma and no one ever will, but I hope I will never have to find out. I wanted her and only her for the rest of my life.

Emma POV 

When I woke the next morning I felt my heart break as I felt for Killian, who wasn't there. It was happening all over again. I tired to hold back the tears but failing. "Love? You okay?" My head shot up to Killian coming down the stairs, food in hand. He sets it down and the minute he does I run into his arms "I thought you left me, I thought you didn't me love." I say over my sobs. Killian pulls back cupping my face and wiping my tears away with his thumb. "I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to scare you I just went to get food" 

He bring his lips to mine, calming me in a instant. We returned back to bed after eating just holding each other as tight as we could. "Killian?" I say sitting up, him following "Aye, love?" He said looking me deeply in the eyes "Why did you come back, knowing my mother would have you killed?" I asked, he seems to have to think about it "Really don't know love, I guess something was just telling me to come back. As if fate wanted me to return to you."

I smile, lightly kissing him "What are we going to do now? We can't hind on my ship forever and I would love to get to know my daughter." He asked. Killian was right but I know my parents would never let me stay with Killian and remain heir to the thrown. Or even Elizabeth for that matter but I'm sure she wouldn't mind that. That's when it hit me "Nick!" I shout "What love?" Killian cocked his head to the side. 

"No time to explain! We have to go now!" I quickly dress myself, rushing above deck with Killian close behind. We soon arrive at the castle, the guards all give Killian and I foul looks but I just hold my head high. "Where are my parents" I demand "Umm In the garden" one guard said. We make our way, I take a deep breath as we walk out. 

"Father, Mother?" I say getting their attention, they turn seeing Killian "Should of guessed" My father mutters under his breath. "I understand that I will be disowned if I stay with Killian, but I love this man! And If my own parents can't accept that, well I guess I must leave." I say. "Then who would be our next heir!" My father shouts, of course he doesn't care about my feelings. "Well I have thought of that ready, Elizabeth may only be half royal. But Nick is has full royal blood running throw his veins. He will be the next heir."

My mother goes to speak but is cut of by Neal, Elizabeth and Nick coming out. "I think it's a prefect idea" Neal states coming beside me with Nick on his other side and Elizabeth comes to stand between Killian and I. Killian wraps him arms around her as they smile happily at each other. It was so beautiful seeing them together. "So your just going to leave your son and ran away with the pirate!" Father shouts.

"Grandpa, let mum be happy. If that is with this pirate so be it. And I will still have my father by my side. And you and Grandma." Nick said with a smile 'I really did love that kid, he was defiantly more grown up then he looked. "Dad please" I beg. My parents exchange looks then back to us. "Fine, but there is one problem, We could never disown you. No matter what, you are our daughter and we will always love you but this is not the life for you. We tried so hard to keep you away from adventure and who you really were. But now it's time to let you go." Tears well in my eyes from my mother words, I rush too them embracing them in a tight warm hug. 

"Thank you, I will always love you."

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