Chapter 1

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I just hate this.

A snide comment escaped my mouth as Liam talked about his Girlfriend as an answer to 'what would he be doing if he's only got 24 hours left to live'. Moreover, I hated the interviewer for even asking that stupid question.

But then again.. Maybe it's not stupid at all, maybe it's just me being jealous.

I've kept my mouth shut as Harry, Louis and Niall teased him for giving out such a cheesy answer to which he rides on and even laughed hysterically. God, I hate that laugh. I twist and turn in my chair trying to shake off this mood swing and, also, to evade any possible attention to my childish behavior.

The interview went on for another 15 minutes and the questions threw by the interviewer were bearable and nothing to be threatened about. It's fun... for almost everyone. It's the year 2012, 2 years after we(One Direction) became an official group and ever since, we've been living under the same roof and treated each other like brothers. But to make it sound more miserable, I've fallen completely in love with one of them. I know it's impossible for Liam to even see me more than just a brother so I try my most diligent efforts to stay professional and just keep these feelings bottled up-- but I can only contain them for too long.

The van pulled over and hit to park with the engine still on and our manager getting ready to face the fans. I occupied the seat next to Louis with Liam, Harry, and Niall seated at the back. I can hear girls shouting and yelling on the top of their lungs with their banners held up high, but nothing can be heard inside the van besides our manager who is giving us instructions and Louis' android phone playing Color Switch. 'That damn game'.

It was the BRIT awards night 2012, and we're nominated for our single 'what makes you beautiful'. It's funny because we're up against huge names like Ed Sheeran, Jessie J, Adele? Com'n. But all in all, we were hopeful.

As the host finally arrived to our category, my ears wend numb as the crowds cheered and our pictures flashed in the screen on the stage. 'We won?' I asked Niall who was also shocked and in disbelief. We walked toward the stage and received the trophy and microphones were given. I was shaking. Harry spoke first, saying the essentials like thank you, for this award blah blah blah as Liam held the trophy in his hands as tight as a hawk holding its dinner. The thought almost made me laugh. Then an uninvited thought. Hope he holds me tight, too. A giggled escaped me and it was liberating.

In the after party, I drank few shots of tequila and the rest were beers. We danced and sang to the music played by the DJ and all in all, wasn't that bad. I had fun and I won't deny it. Well, it's not like Liam and I don't talk or even touch each other-- it's just that every time we do, I feel this alien feeling in my belly and it's funny.. It was all alright at first and I thought it's just a little man crush on Liam because he's so cool and handsome, to top it all off, he's nice and has an amazing husky voice. Then I noticed myself staring at him when he's not looking and fantasizing what it would feel like to kiss those red lips-- that was when I realized I was in love. Cheesy, gross. It's not like I'm into men and all that, it's just that with Liam, I'm at ease and happy. But not lately.. Ever since he started dating Danielle, his mouth never spoke anything but her, it's almost annoying to listen to. I'm not complaining, I mean she's his Girlfriend after all.

I walked up to the bar to just isolate myself a little bit from the band because I noticed they were trying to get me drunk to which they succeed, so before I passed out, I managed to escape and drink a glass of water.

"Hey!" A voice startled me from behind causing me to turn my head..
"Liam." I said but the techno music overshadowed my weak voice. He was wearing his shirt with 3 unbuttoned buttons, I can see his cleavage. This damn cleavage. I shift my eyes up to his face, he's smiling at me.. But not like a lover smiling to his partner, rather a brother smiling to his drunk brother.
"You alright?" He asked, I can trail the concern in his voice, I took a peek at him and back to my glass of water
"Yeah, sure!" I shouted, trying to overlap the music, I failed, miserably.
"You look like hell! Come on! Let's take you back to the van!" He said, leaning in next to my ear for me to hear clearly, but for me-- it was an opportunity to smell his neck. He smelled like heaven. Damn that perfume.

We walked out the back door where the van was parked, you know, paparazzi. Liam wrapped my right arm around his shoulder with his hands on my waist, guiding me so I won't fall on the ground. We hopped inside the van where no single sound can be seen in the deserted parking lot. He started the ignition and turned the air condition on, he jumped from the driver's seat to the back seat where I was.
"What time is it?" I asked almost whispering..
"It's only 11:30 pm and the party is up till 3 am." He replied with a husk in his voice. I was slouched in my usual chair in the van with my eyes already half asleep. I can sense that Liam's still in the car with me but not saying a word. The awkward silence was deafening, then I finally broke it..
"You can go back inside, I'll just wait for you guys here" I said with a weak voice. He disagreed to my suggestion
"No, what if you puked? It's best I'm here"

With him telling me's best I'm here.. Echoed in my head and it irritates me that he meant it as my brother.
"No, go back inside, I'm fine!" I said in a more assertive manner, he still disagreed.. The silence once again grew and this time, I was pissed because the funny, alien feeling's crawling up my spine again and this time, it's pounding faster and harder that it's uncontainable.
Not a single word was said for the next few minutes and I resorted to not talking to him and hopefully he leaves soon before I make a fool of myself and blame my drunkenness for my deeds. I felt my eyes closed slowly, sleepy..

I was awaken by a warm and soft thing touching and caressing my lips like an angel, my eyes slowly adjusted to the dimness of the dark, my eyes widen in surprise..

Liam was kissing me.

Okay, so as you can see, It's just a recap of 2012 when they were first rumored to be together or at least my playful mind knows it's ins and outs of a cheesy, romantic fanfic *laughs like a fangirl*


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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