Bad Girl ( Joker)

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I've never been the type to stay home on a Friday night. The night life always had a calling to my dark and twisted soul. That's why I was extremely pissed off at the fact that my boyfriend was keeping me from going out.
Despite his bad temper I would usually sneak out and disobey him. But he knew this about me.
In this situation my hands were tied ... literally.
Early today I had an argument with Mr.J . He was planning on spending the night on a heist and didn't want me interfering. Of course I argued with him and said that I didn't want to be trapped in this god forsaken house all night. I tried to reason with him to at least let me go out by myself but he was in one of those moods where no one could get through to him. Next thing I know I was tied to the bed unable to move.

Time took forever to pass. I kept hearing footsteps in the house , but each time it was my brain tricking me and giving me false hope. That why when actual footsteps came my way I didn't think anything of it.
The door slammed open making my head snap right up giving me a whip lash. Immediately I though it was the joker finally coming home to me from his night at work. But oh honey I couldn't be more wrong.
"Well well well ... look what we have here. Little Mrs.Joker is all tied up." Said a figure coming towards me wearing a black ski mask. Four more figure wearing the same attire were right behind the leader, all of them heavily armed . " Joker's making our job real easy didn't he boys" said the leader making the rest of the laugh.
Fear and anxiety filled my body as I realized I couldn't defend myself.
"Let me guess , your not just here to leave a quick message and be on your merry little way" I said sarcastically trying to hide my building fear.
"Maybe if you tell us where you're psychotic boyfriend is keeping the missile codes, we wouldn't touch a hair on your sexy little head. Hell tell us right now with no games and we'll even untie you. You look a little uncomfortable. Are you bonds too tight?" Mocked the leader.
Sure I was pissed off at my man for tying me up  but I'd never betray my puddin.
"Go to hell" I spat at them in disguised knowing fully well what the consequences maybe.
"Tsk tsk you know I knew you'd give in so easily. Maybe if I take you back to my place , I could soften you up. Get her outta here boys."he said leaving the room. Stupid stupid man.
One of the masked figures came to untie me while the rest lazily looked over the place. Stupid idiot. The millisecond I was untied I slammed the mans head into the headboard of the bed leaving him knocked out and a bent in the headboard. I quickly got up and prepared myself to fight off the remaining three men. I punched to closest one in the face while kicking him in the balls at the same time , the idiot dropped his gun to grad his balls. I quickly grabbed the gun and shot him in the head before turning to the next two idiots. Turns out these two weren't as dense as the others. I quickly shot one in the rib but the bullet never penetrated skin. He must have been wearing a bullet proof vest. Unfortunately for me while my attention was very briefly captured by the fact that the third idiot was not dead , the fourth shot me in the shoulder making me cry out in pain. But it takes alot to bring me down, I'm the Joker's girl I gotta be tough. Both of them raised the guns at me and pulled the trigger. Funny things is though only one  of the guns had bullets in them, I guess they had to shoot their way into my house's security in the first place. The one gun that did have a bullet in it  shot me in my hand forcing me to drop my gun. I wasn't going to let myself get distracted again though. I quickly punched and kicked the hell out of the guy closest to me, thankful he was the  stupid one that forgot to reload. While the other guy was calling for back up , I slammed an idiot into the head board of my bed before quickly reaching for the gun , Mr.J kept under our bed. As I grasped the handle of the familiar gun , I was hit in the head with the back of gun. The last thing I remembered before everything went blank was one of the idiots saying " Just grab her and let's get outta here before Joker gets back. No one's gotta know that we almost got beat up by a girl."

I woke from my unconsciousness once again my hands and legs were tied up. This time I was in a hard wooden chair , in nothing but my lacy black undergarments. Whoever  has captured me had one thing in mind ... they wanted to degrade me for kicking their ass.
I tried to wiggle my way out of the tight bonds but I quickly stopped when I realized that while doing so I was shifting my chair ...and right behind me  there was a hole in the floor , which by the looks of it is a very long and painful way down.
I carefully took in my surrounds. I was trapped in a warehouse in gods knows where. Clearly it must be somewhere far away from civilization since there was no sounds of any cars or people. The only sound I could hear was the loud buzz of electricity and the sound of footsteps getting louder and louder.
I frantically looked around for an escape route or a way to cut the bonds off.
"Times up Sweetheart" said a voice from behind me. I shifted my head to the side to see that the statement came from a man in a suit. The man was followed by a league of companions all of which were heavily armed. The man in the suit along with one of the mindless followers made there way to me while the rest of them spreader out , keeping a look out. Good they know Joker is smart.
" You know what I want Missy. So just hand it over before things get messier." Said the suit man.
I bluntly ignored his question and asked " who are you?" . This caused the man to laugh. This laugh wasn't like my puddin's though, no laugh can be as evil as his.
" Lemme give you one last chance , Hun. Tell me where the codes are" he asked again nicely .
" I don't know what you're talking about " I said this time with much annoyance in my voice.
"Alright then . I see you like games. Rocko bub, let play a game with little Mrs.Joker here." He said wickedly as Rocko made his way closer to me with a wicker smile.
All of a sudden Rocko tipped my chair back so that if he let go I would go falling to my death. I like any normal person screamed my heart out in fear
" Now that your more comfortable. Tell me where the damn codes are bitch!" Yelled the suit man.
"I told you I honestly don't know where the codes are . Only Joker knows about them." I screamed back scared for my life.
" Then tell me where the Joker is" yelled the suit man. That was it I was gonna die in my underwear. There is no way I would ever put my puddin in danger.
Just as I was about to lose all hope I hear one of the best sounds ever. Puddin's psychopathic laugh.
" Well maybe if ya look behind ya , you'd find who your looking for " said Joker as he came in sight looking absolutely furious. I love that look especially when the fury wasn't directed at me.
Without anymore words spared , gun fire rang through the room.
My smart Puddin shot at both bonds on the legs freeing them. Rocko who wasn't looking so happy anymore tipped my chair back expecting me to go following to my death.
But I was one step a head of him. Lucky for me there was a thick set of chain hanging from the roof. With my now freed legs I wrapped them around the chains securely , saving me from falling. I was now hanging upside down as a full on war between Joker's men and The suit man's men . Let's just said I needa to ditch the chair and arm bonds fast before I'd really be dead.
I carefully and strategically did a back flip and thankfully land where I wanted to and not 10 feet below me. I landed on my back which then broke the chair into pieces , freeing me. Rocko who just killed on of Jokers henchmen noticed that I was now free and came charging at me. I picked up a thicker and heavily piece of the now broken chair and smacked him with it until I was certain he was unconscious.
When I was done I looked around for my man to find that he was having a show down with the man in the suit . Joker made eye contact with me before shooting suit man in the stomach and punching him in the gut.
I watched in amazement as Joker kicked away all the weapons away from the man in the suit and continued to shoot him in other body parts that wouldn't make him die instantly.
At this time all of the suited man's henchmen were all killed and the joker's men made sure of that, they even shoot up poor Rocko's body until it was barely recognizable.
" Take this fucker away from here. Bring him back to the hideout and strap him into the torture chamber. I'll be partying with him later." J said instructing his men.
We made eye contact before I went running into his waiting embrace. We held each other for what felt like forever as he continually repeats that he was sorry . He took his jacket off and wrapped it around me me tightly .
" let's get you home , My Bad girl ." He said before he picked me up bridal style and we went home.

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