"I-I can't."

"Why? Because I said is true, isn't it?" He snaps. His eyes are turning darker and darker. I keep quite. That's when he lost his control. He raises his hand toward me which makes me whimper, but instead of hitting me, he hits the wall.

"Can't you just tell me Emma?" He hisses. That's when I decide to tell him.

"Alright fine! I'll tell you. I wasn't cuddling with Nick as you said earlier okay? He just try to comfort me, okay!" I yells. I really don't know where do I get the courage from.

"Why? Why do you go to his arm instead of mine? Why do you choose him and not me?" Jason asks, I can see hurt in his eyes.

"I-I don't know." I answer as tears spilling down my cheek.

Jason walks closer to me and hugs me tightly. "Is it because I scare you? Because you're afraid of me?" He asks in my ears.

Instead of answering him, I just keep on crying in his arms. I can tell that he takes it as yes because he keeps on mumbling 'I'm sorry' over and over again. Emma Carters:

The sun shining though the curtain hitting my eyes. I groan before turning the other way. I feel like someone is touching my waist, I ignore it and continue to sleep. A moment later I feel something beside me is moving and keep on getting closer to me or vise versa, I don't know. I snap my eyes open and see Jason sleeping beside me and our face are just a millimeter apart. I jump off my bed which cause me to fall on my butt.

"Are you okay?" I hear Jason's morning voice ask me as he crawls to the edge of the bed and looking at me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I reply as I try to stand up. "And what are you doing here?" I ask as I snap my eyes looking at him.

Jason rubs his neck awkwardly as I stare at him. Wait. Wait a minute. I remember something. I remember having a fight with Jason because I was crying in Nick's lap and he thought I was cuddling with him. Jason keep on asking, or should I say pushing, me why I was in Nick's lap instead of his. When I finally admitted to him what happen he just bent down in front of me as I was crying in his arms with him keep on mumbling sorry. Then I forgot what happen next.

Jason waves his hand in front of my face and make me snap into reality. "Are you listening to me Emma?" Jason asks.

"Huh? What? Oh.. Um, yeah." I falter.


Jason raises his eyebrow to me. "Okay, then. What am I saying earlier then?" I keep silence. "Exactly. I know you're thinking something. And never mind. Forget it alright." Jason says casually.

I hate it when people say never mind or forget it when I know they're saying something earlier. And it happens to me now. "No. Tell me." I demand. Curiosity is haunting me.

"I said forget it, beside it's not that important." Jason shrugs it off.

I sigh. "Fine. But tell me, what are you doing in my room?"

"That's what I told you earlier when you're not listening to me." He snaps.

"Um, sorry." I look down, not daring to look at his eyes. What do I always make him angry? Or maybe he has a short temper? Yeah, I choose the second one.

"I-I think I'm going to refresh myself. See you later." I say quickly without making any eye contact with Jason. When I'm going to head to the bathroom, someone hold my wrist Wait. I'm sorry." Jason apologizes. I turn around and look at him. "I shouldn't have snap at you. I'm sorry." He pauses for a minute before continue, "I didn't mean to scare you, I'm just got pissed when someone's not paying attention to me when I'm talking. And what I was saying earlier is that after you're crying in my arms you felt asleep. I carried you to your room and without I realize it I felt asleep here. Beside, we're going to sleep together soon."

"What? You have your own room Jason, beside you told me that this is my room." I say.

"Well, plan change. You're sleeping in my room starting from today, and you don't need to move your things." He plans. When I'm about to protest, he looks at me sternly which make me shut my mouth and just nod.

"Well, get ready then. I need you to meet someone." He says as I walk out from the room and head to the bathroom.


"So, this is the famous Emma? The girl you keep on blabbering about?" Alex teases. Jason talks about me? I look at Jason as his cheek redden. Awe, he's blushing. I giggle softly.

"And oh yeah, I'm Alex McCann. Jason's brother." Alex introduces himself.

"I'm Emma Carters." I smile at him.
"Not trying to scare you but Jason talks a lot about you. So basically I know almost everything about you." Alex says and makes Jason blushes even more.

"Shut up Alex." Jason hisses.

Alex raises his hands up. "Sorry lil brother. I'm just saying the truth." Alex says which makes Jason groans and the guys laugh. I don't get it why Jason and Alex have different personality. Alex is calm and funny, and Jason is well, a bit scary and protective? I don't know.

"Oh, Alex what are you doing here? I thought you're in Miami? Not kidnapped by Samuel." Ryan asks which earn a glare from Alex.

"I'm not kidnapped. Just one of the gang member in Miami is a backstabber, he's actually Sam's spy, he bought me here and here I am now, in LA." Alex explains and the rest of the guys nod.

"Are you going to head back to Miami soon?" Jason asks. Alex shakes his head no.

"Nah, I want to be here with my lil brother that I haven't see in such a long time. Beside, Ryder is taking control over there." He says as he messes with Jason's hair playfully.

Jason groans. "You're going to be such a pain on us Alex." Jason snaps as Alex tackles him in the ground.

Everyone laugh at there childishness. Maybe it won't be so bad staying here. Maybe Jason gonna turns into a better guy who won't snap at me all the time when Alex is here. Let's just hope.


Mhmm, triple update today? ;)

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