Secret's Out: Part II

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       When we arrived, Aaron pulled into the driveway of my house and took the keys out of the ignition. When I looked up at my house through the window, I thought I would be calm and ready when the time came to surprise my mom, but my heart was currently beating seven thousand miles per hour.
"What's wrong?" Aaron asked as he placed a hand over mine. I looked down at our hands and my heart did a small backflip then slowly calmed down to a regular heart rate. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then looked up into his eyes and smiled as I shook my head.
"Nothing, I'm just worried that when I walk into that house and tell my mom, she's gonna tackle me like an NFL all star. Then my dad will most likely crush me in a vise grip hug, and I'll end up never leaving their side since they'll be so happy I'm cured. It'll be like prison, except I'll have a private bathroom, Netflix, and better food." Aaron laughed at my response and stepped out of the car. The absence of his hand on mine left an emptiness inside of me, but I just shook the feeling off and followed him to my front door.
"I leave the honors to you milady," Aaron gestured towards the door and I rolled my eyes as I rang the doorbell.
"You're such a loser Aar--," I was cut off when the door sprung open and I was shot with confetti.
"SURPRISE!" A chorus of voices said and I stood in shock as I looked at Justin and Danny standing on either side the door. They must have shot the confetti.... I sure hope I don't have to clean that up later.
"What are you two doing--," again I was cut off, but this time it was because of a bear tackling hug.
"OH MY GOODNESS ALEXIS I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! YOU'RE CURED! MY BABY GIRL IS GONNA LIVE!" My mom was sobbing into my ear and I stood there awkwardly and confused.
"Huh??? Mom, wasn't I supposed to surprise you?" I asked a bit lost.
"Sorry Alexis, your mom beat it out of us. We had to tell her otherwise she was gonna kick us out," Danny said and I looked at him as I started patting my mom's back.
"Don't lie to her! You told Mrs. Dawson because she promised to let you taste test all of the food," Justin scolded and I laughed as the truth came out.
"I thought I was going to outlive you and never have grandkids, or help you look for a wedding dress, or a prom dress, or a graduation outfit," my mom sobbed and again I gave her a confused look.
"Mom I hope you don't want me to live my life in that order because that would be a bit backwards," I laughed sarcastically and tried to pull away but she held fast.
"Hun, don't you think we should let her come in before she catches a cold?" my dad suggested from the inside of the house and I sighed in relief.
"Yeah mom, let's go inside," I could feel my mom nod next to my ear as she pulled away and I followed her into the house, but not before I saw Aaron swipe a sarcastic tear from his eye. My mom's hand was wrapped so tightly around mine as she guided me into the house that I could feel the loss of blood circulation in my fingers.
"Mom you're holding my hand a bit tight," I gave her hand a gentle squeeze hoping that it would reassure her that I wasn't going anywhere. After a moment of hesitation, she nodded and reluctantly let my hand go.
"I'm sorry Lex, it's just I'm so happy, but it feels like a dream. It's like, if I let go, then you'll fade away and I'll wake up from this beautiful dream." My mom gently brushed some hair behind my ear with a sad-hopeful expression.
"Don't worry mom, I'm not going anywhere." I smiled fully and pulled my mom into a hug.
"Damn right you're not going anywhere. You need to make up for all the chores I had to do while you were gone, in addition to the 10 years you shaved off of my lifespan when you didn't come home from school." My dad's voice boomed in the room and caused me to jump in surprise, but no sooner I felt an arm snake around my mom and I, crushing us into his chest.
"My beautiful baby girl is going to live," I could hear a crack in my dad's voice and this caused my eyes to fill with water.
"Dad, are you crying?"
"NO. Men don't cry. My eyes just feel like swimming since they never go to the beach anymore, but I overfilled them and caused them to overflow. It may look like I'm crying but I'm not." I looked up at my dad with an amused expression but he palmed the back of my head and smashed it into his chest.
"Shut up child and hug your father," he said sternly and I laughed at this as I gave up and hugged him back.
"Awww this is cute and whatever, but Alexis I'm hungryyy~~ please, we've been waiting hours for--," Danny's voice was cut off when someone hit him (Justin).
"Don't ruin their family moment you idiot. She needs to spend time with them," Justin's voice was a very stern whisper and I laughed as I realized how much I missed their quarrels.
"See Alexis, mommy's hungry too. He's getting aggressive and I heard that women are aggressive when they're hungry or when they're PMS-ing," Danny whined and this time I felt the vibrations coming from my mom and dad as they laughed. Slowly we pulled away from each other an my dad turned away to 'wipe some dust out of his eyes'.
"Why don't we get the barbeque out of the oven and go eat out on the terrace. Danny will you help me bring the rest of the food out, Justin and Aaron can you guys set the table, and Alexis go shower. It looks like you're dying to wash that hospital smell off of you." My mom gave everyone instructions except my dad, and he noticed this too.
"What should I do hun?" my mom smiled mischievously at my dad's question, and it was at times like this when I knew they had planned something together.
"You can tell Alexis' other surprise that she can come now with the you know what." After my mom said this she winked at my dad, which only confirmed my suspicions that they had planned something.
"Shower??? But Mrs. Dawson I feel like my stomach is about to eat itself. Can't she shower after we eat?" Danny whined to my mom as he tugged on her sleeve.
"No, we have to wait for her other surprise. Plus I'll let you try some of my special fruit salad and Oreo cream pie. Now hurry Alexis, you have thirty minutes."
"Okay," Danny and I answered at the same time and then I turned around and ran up the stairs to my room.
~15 minutes and a 10 minute hair drying session later~
I ran down the stairs in a simple galaxy hoodie, black leggings, and whites socks feeling ten times better and hospital free. When I arrived at the base of the stairs I found Justin alone in the living room reading through some large book with a huge smirk on his face. Slowly, I stalked closer to him until I was right behind him and discovered he was looking at a photo album from my toddler years. I also discovered that the photo he was smirking at was a picture of me trying to make a sand castle out of horse poop.
"HEY! DON'T LOOK AT THAT!" I tried to grab the photo book but Justin dodged my hands, stood up, and raised the book into the air.
"Are you playing with horse shit Alexis?" Justin asked through chuckles and I just ignored him as I tried to jump and grab the book but came back unsuccessful every time.
"Stupid tall people," I murmured as I gave up and fell backwards onto the couch.
"Don't make fun of me, that was the first time I'd ever been to a barn. I was about five or six at the time so I just thought it was strong dirt." Justin whipped his phone out and snapped a quick picture as I said this before he put the photo album down.
"Hey! Why'd you take a picture of that?"
"Just in case I ever need a favor from you, or you decide to talk back to me," Justin replied and I sighed as I slumped my shoulders in defeat once again.
"So who do you think my surprise is gonna be and what are they bringing?" I asked as I twiddled with my thumbs.
"I don't know, but it can't be Savannah since she said she couldn't come."
"Aw! Why can't she come!? I would rather she be here instead of you. At least she's nice to me." I pouted and crossed my arms, but Justin 's phone popped into my face with the picture on full display.
"What was that Dawson?" Justin challenged.
"Do you have anything you want to say? Maybe something along the lines of an apology?"
"Apology? As in I'm sorry you're such a--"
"I wonder what Aaron would think of this," Justin started pressing some parts of his screen and I covered his phone screen with my hand as fast as I could.
"I'm sorry, I prefer your company way more." Justin smiled and patted my head as if I was a pet that did a trick correctly.
"I forgive you, besides, Savannah is sick so she didn't want to get everyone else sick. But she wanted me to give you this card." Justin handed me an envelope which I tucked into the pocket of my hoodie. The sound of the doorbell caught our attention and we both stood up.
"Alexis get that! That's your surprise!" My mom yelled from the kitchen and I approached the door warily with Justin.
"Ready to meet my surprise? Maybe he's single and good looking," I joked.
"I'M THE ONLY GOOD LOOKING MAN FOR YOU LEXI!" The booming of Aaron's voice carried and I looked at the kitchen entrance as he strolled towards me and Justin, wiping his hands on his pants as if he was cleaning dishes previously. After he finished, he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his side possessively.
"Or he's actually a she and is single and good looking," Justin joked and I faked a gasp and looked at him in mock disgust.
"What would Savannah say? Tsk tsk tsk. I guess this means neither of us is lucky." I laughed as Aaron looked offended.
"What do you mean you're not lucky? I'd say you're the luckiest since you have a boyfriend like me." Aaron clapped his chest with his hand and I smiled as I shook my head.
"I think I'd be even luckier if you didn't have such a-"
"Big di-"
"You guys, I'd hate to interrupt, but there is someone at the door." Justin gestured towards the door.
"Whoops," I said as I opened the door smiling, "Welcome surprise strangerrr..." The word 'stranger' left my mouth awkwardly as the person behind the door lowered the bouquet of flowers that they brought, revealing their face.
"Avalon?" Aaron said just as confused as we felt while simultaneously tightening his arm around me, which surprised me cause I thought he was definitely going to drop his arm.
"Hey Lexi I'm so glad you're finally out of the hospital, Aaron wow I didn't know you'd be here, and it's nice to see you're here as well Justin." The way Avalon said my nickname made me shiver in actual disgust, and even though she greeted each of us, she only seemed to be focused on Aaron's arm around my shoulders.
"I wish I could say the feeling was mutual, bitch." Justin said as he slammed the door shut and we stood there in awkward silence.
########Author's Note######
Here's the other chapter that I wrote. Initially it was going to be one huge chapter but I felt it was too long, so I decided to split it into two chapters. I also changed some of the earlier chapters, so if you feel like re-reading and commenting where you think I changed something, you should definitely do that. You should also tell me whether you like the changes or not pleeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeeeeeee. Again I really hope you enjoy this chapter, comment if you'd like, and have a wonderful rest of your day. I love you guys and I'll talk to you guys later.

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